Chapter 4

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Bil enter her room as she back from her school

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Bil enter her room as she back from her school. Bil throws her bag and she lied down on her bed. 'Why i'm too tired today?' Think Bil as she takes her phone. "Bil." Call Mrs. Park as she knock the door. "Emm wae omma?" Asks Bil as she open the door. "Get yourself pretty. We will going to shop your wedding dress and your wedding ring with your mother-in-law." "Omma, i'm tired. Can you just go with aunty since you know my body size?" "Aishh this girl! Quick. You have to follow and its final!" Said Mrs. Park and she out from Bil's room. Bil stamps her foots as she enter her bathroom. Bil clean herself and she wears white tee with black tight jeans. Bil put a little makeup as she wears her key bracelet. Bil slips on her white platform heels and she go to the living room as she take her black sling bag. "Kaja." Said Mrs. Park as she out from their house. Bil pouts as she follow Mrs. Park. Bil smile to Mrs. Kim and she bow. "You can go with Taehyung." Said Mrs. Kim and Bil nodded her head. Bil walks to the V's car and she enter his car. 'She look pretty in that clothes.' Think V as he drive. Bil take her phone ans she open Buffy's text. -Bil, where are you? At home or at out?- -Out. Wae oppa?- -Today is Moos's birthday. We going to celebrate it at Heo jun's aunt cafe.- -Ohh i'm forget about that. Oppa, i have something to do but i'll make sure that i will be quick. You celebrate it first but don't leave until i arrived there especially the birthday boy.- -Okay sweetie. Bye see ya.- -Nae.- Bil put her phone back into her bag and she start thinking what kind of birthday present that she would give to Moos.

Bil get off from V's car and she walks into the mall with Mrs. Park and Mrs. Kim. V sigh as he follow them. They enter Perfect Jewelry. Bil look at the bracelet. 'Wahh there are many beautiful kind of bracelet. I should shop at here. But Moos oppa don't like bracelet. Wait, let buy him a watch.' Think Bil as she go to Mrs. Park. "Bil, V how do you think about that one?" Asks Mrs. Kim as she pointed at the couple ring with a little diamond on it. "Ok. I like that, omma." Said V as he nodded. "How about you, Bil?" Asks Mrs. Kim. "I'm okay with that." Said Bil and she whisper to Mrs. Park. "I want to go to ladies." "Okay. But don't go somewhere else. Ara?" "Nae." Said Bil as she walk to Time Gold. Bil look at the latest watch. "Miss, can i help you?" Asks the salegirl. "Emm i look for a present for my friend. A boy." "His age?" "19 years old." "Ohh i see. Wait miss." Bil see the salegirl take out some silver and black watch. "I take this." Said Bil as she point to the third watch. "Miss, you want it to be wrap or not?" "Yes." "And we also has a gift. You can choose what you want." "Emm i want that polar bear." 'I picked that because Buffy oppa said i same like polar bear.' Think Bil as she pay for it. Bil keep the watch in her bag and she hold the bear bag while she go back to Perfect Jewelry. Mrs. Park shake her head as she see Bil holding a bag. "What omma said just now?" Asks Mrs. Park. "I'm tried my best not to buy it. But it keeps call me. Soon Bil-ah.... Soon Bil-ah." Said Bil as she giggled. "What you buy?" Asks Mrs. Kim. "Polar bear." Said Bil as she heard V sigh. "Another polar bear? You just buy a polar bear a few days ago and today also." Said Mrs. Park. "Nayeon-ah just let her. She like it, right." Said Mrs. Kim. 'Just like a kid.' Think V as he follow them out from the mall. Then, they go to Bridal Dream. Bil look at her watch and she nodded her head. 'Still early.' Think Bil. Bil look at the ball gown dress that the worker show. 'How i going to walk with that?' Think Bil. "Bil, go and try it." Said Mrs. Park. Bil walk to fitting room and she wears the dress. Bil look at herself on the mirror. 'Wahh its beautiful.' Think Bil. Bil pulled the dress upward when it releaved her cleavage but the worker stops her. "Why you want to hide it? Its come out well." Said she as she adjust back the dress. "But i shy. The dress too relevead." "Don't shy, you look very beautiful in that." Said the worker as she put a veil on Bil's head. Bil walk to the platform with workers help since she wears 5 inch of platform heels. V look at Bil as the curtain is open. 'Wait, she beautiful.' Think V as he see Bil. "Omo, you really beautiful." Said Mrs. Park. Bil look away when V look at her. "Omma, actually my friend do a birthday party. I have to go now." Said Bil as she sits beside Mrs. Park. "Ohh whose birthday?" Asks Mrs. Park as she paid for the dresses and the suit. "Moos oppa birthday." "Okay. Becareful. Ara?" Said Mrs. Park. "Kalke. Annyeong omma and aunty." Said Bil as she bow to them. Bil walk out from the boutique and she go to the cafè. 'Aishh, this heels killing me.' Think Bil as she enter the cafè. "Oppa, happy birthday!" Said Bil as she hugged Moos. "Thanks Bil-ah." Said Moos. "This for you. You have to wear it. Ara?" Moos furrow his eyebrow as Bil said that. "What you give to him?" Asks Buffy. "Just what a guys need." Said Bil. "Yah! Its really beautiful." Said Moos as he wear the watch. "One more. Also for you." Said Bil as she hand bear bag to Moos. Moos take that polar bear as Buffy laugh. "She give you her friend." Said Buffy as he stop laugh because Bil pout. "Oppa, why you always compare me with a polar bear?" Asks Bil as she still pout. "Because i like polar bear. It can survive whenever it cold or hot. It same just like you." Said Buffy as he placed his hand at Bil's waist. Bil placed her head on Buffy's shoulder as she move close to him. 

As the party finished, they go back to their house. Bil walk with Buffy to Bil's house. Bil stops when her legs hurt. "Oppa, wait for me." Said Bil as she run to Buffy who is slightly far away from her. "Try to catch me." Said Buffy as he pretend to run away. Bil speed up and she do not notice there is some stones. Bil fall and she sprained her ankle. Buffy panic and he run to Bil. "Bil, are you okay?" Said Buffy as he bent down to Bil's level. Buffy more panic when he see Bil eyes teary. "Bil, don't cry and tell me where you feel hurt." Bil smacked soft Buffy's arm and she laughed. "I'm fine but i can't walk. I think i have sprained my ankle." Said Bil as she touch her legs. Buffy flick Bil's forehead. "Aishh this girl. Quick get on my back. I'll carry you." Said Buffy as he face his back to Bil. Bil smile and she get on Buffy's back. "Oppa, you know what make me different from that polar bear?" Asks Bil. "What?" "That polar bear need snow to survive but i need you by my side." Buffy chuckle as he heard that from Bil. "But you know sooner or later that snow will disappear. Same with me." "Where you want go?" "Aishh i'm still in Korea but someone will replaced my placed be by your side." "Oppa, you the only can be by my side. He don't deserve it and he different from you. Totally different!" Said Bil as she closed her eyes. "You'll marry him..." Buffy stops talking when he heard a small snores. Buffy enter Bil's bedroom and he lied Bil  down on her bed. Buffy look at Bil's face and he pecked Bil's forehead. "Goodnight sweetie." Whisper Buffy to Bil.

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