Chapter 16

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V and his friends hang out at their favourite club

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V and his friends hang out at their favourite club. They order their drinks as they sit at the table. "V, so how Bil?" Asks J-hope as he look V. "She like usual annoying and keep blabbering." Said V and he drink his coke. "But i think she cute what. She perfect. She pretty, smart, cute, talkative, kind." Said Jin make V chocked. "She different from that you said." Said V as Jungkook smirk. "Yeah she different from Eun young. She much different from Eun young." Said Jungkook while he look at V. "V, why don't you love Bil and broke up with Eun young? Bil is suit you rather than Eun young." Said Rap mon as they nodded except V. "Why you want Eun young?" Asks V while he raised his brow. "Hell, who want that girl? I prefer Bil better." Said Jungkook as V look at him. "What you mean by that?" Asks V while he hold his anger. "V, don't you see her attitude? I'm sure that she sleep with other guys beside you." Said Jungkook as V punched his face. Jungkook hold his face and he look at V. "Stop hurt Bil! If you don't want her, let go her!" Said Jungkook as he walk out from the club. V ruffled his hair and he gulped his vodka as he order it. 

Bil out from her room while she tie her hair as the doorbell ring. Bil open the door and she see Jimin with J hope carrying V on their shoulder. Bil gesture them to enter and they place V on his bed. "What happen?" Asks Bil as she see V's face full of bruise and wound. "He drinking too much and he been beaten up by a gang in the club because he disturb them." Said Jimin while he look at Bil. "We sorry because we don't restrain him from drinking too much." Said J-hope as Bil chuckled. "It okay. By the way thanks for help him." Said Bil while she smile. "Okay. We excuse first. Please take care him." Said Jimin as they walk out from V's house. "Do you see her smile?" Asks J-hope as they enter the car. "Yes. And they should see that too." Said Jimin while he look at J-hope. "I never see an angelic smile like that." "Yeah me too. He lucky to get her." J-hope nodded as Jimin said that. 

 Bil take small towel, a basin of hot water and she bring to V's room. Bil placed the towel at corner V's lips after she immersed in hot water to dispel the bruise. Bil take emergency box and she cleans V's wound. Bil get up and she walk out from V's room as she finished cleans the wound but V grab her wrist. "Don't leave me." Muttered V and Bil sits back. 'Arghh why he being like this? Can't he take care himself?' Think Bil while she rubs her temple. Bil close her eyes and she fall asleep. 

 V stretch his body as he wake up. V turns to his side and he see Bil who is still sleeping. V raise his brow as he see emergency box. V get up and he enter his bathroom. V smile as he see plaster at his face. 'She treat me.' Think V while he walk to Bil. V carry Bil in his arms and he placed Bil on his bed. "Thank you." Said V while carressed Bil's cheek. 'Mianei. I can't let you go even i don't know why. But i can't love you because i have Eun young.' Think V as he look at Bil's face. V enter his bathroom and he do his daily routine. 

 Bil wake up and she rubs her eyes. Bil furrow her brow as she realise she in V's room. Bil get up and she enter her room. Bil do her daily routine as she enter her bathroom. Bil go to living room and she noticed V sits at the couch. "Have you breakfast?" Asks Bil as she enter the kitchen. "No." Said V while he focused on Tv. "By the way is ajumma still holiday?" "Nope. I fired her and tell her to work with omma. The chauffeur too." Bil rolled her eyes and she start making the breakfast. They eat as Bil finished cook. "After this, i'll cleaned up your wound again." Said Bil while she look at V. "But why you wearing a dress?" Asks V and Bil raised her brow. "I'm going out with my friends. Why do you want something?" "No. But i can't believe you want to left your sick husband alone." "I don't tell you to fight with that gang. Quick eat. We have to clean your wound if not do it by yourself." 

Bil walk to V's room and she take emergency box to living room. V sits on the couch and Bil sits in front him. Bil answer a call while she cleaned V's wounds.

Phone Conversation :-

Bil : Emm Hwasa wae? 

Hwasa : Bil, Buffy oppa at hospital. 

Bil : What? 

Hwasa : He being stabbed yesterday night. He already had a surgery and we still wait him to wake up. 

Bil : Okay. Thanks. I'll be there in 10 minutes. 

Bil hang up and she quickly cleans V's wounds. "I have to go." Said Bil as she finished cleaned. Bil walk out while she slipped on her cardigan. Bil take a taxi and she go to hospital.  

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