Chapter 11

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Bil closed her eyes as they enter the flight

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Bil closed her eyes as they enter the flight. V look at Bil and he shake  his head when see Bil sleep. V take Bil's head and he placed her head on his shoulder. V look at Bil's face start from her eyes to her plump lips. V gulped his saliva as run his sight to his phone before he lost his sanity. 

 V and Bil get off from the taxi as they arrived at the hotel. They walk to the counter and they take their room key. They open the room and they enter the room. Bil sigh as she see queen size bed. 'Aishh i have to sleep on the couch. Arhhh my back.' Think Bil while she walk to the balcony. "Wah! Daebak." Said Bil as she see sea from the balcony. V glance at Bil as he lied down on the bed. V takes out his phone and he make a call. 

Phone conversation :- 

V : Yah! Are you guys already arrived or not? 

Jimin : We on the way. We just enter the flight. 

V : Call me when you are here. 

Jimin : Okay.

 V hang up the call and he closed his eyes. 'Bts is here means Eun young also. That also means i'll be free. Yeay! Let's rock at Jeju.' Think Bil as she enter the bathroom.

 V rubs his eyes and he takes his phone as it rings. V ruffled his hair and he answer the call. 

Phone conversation :- 

V : Wae? 

Suga : We already arrived at the hotel and we already check in. Let's go out and eat. Don't forget to bring Bil. 

V hang up and he enter the bathroom. V out from the bathroom as he finished bathed. V furrow his brow as he noticed Bil not in their room. V takes his phone and called Bil. 

Phone conversation :- 

V : Yah! Where are you?

 Bil : What? I can't hear you. 

V : Where are you? 

Bil : What? Arghhh! 

The call ended. "Aishh this girl! Keep on troubling me." Said V as he quickly wears his clothes and out from the room. 

 Bil giggled as she ended the call. 'Serves you right. Haha. Trick you is the biggest success in my life.' Think Bil while she sits on the big rock at the seaside. Bil breathe the air while she smiling. 'Arhh finally my stress gone away.' Think Bil as she brushed up her bang. Bil turns to left and she see V ruffled his hair while he make a call. Bil off from the rock and she run back to their room. 

V open the door and he sigh loudly as he see Bil at the couch. V closed the door and he walk to Bil. "Where you going? And why you ended the call?" Asks V while his eyes stare at Bil. "Emm... I fall from the rock." Lied Bil as V furrow his brow. "What?" Asks V a slightly loud. "Aishh i fall because of you. I walk to find the clear line and i don't realise that i on the rock. If you don't call me, i won't fall from the rock." Lied Bil while she crossed her arm. "Huhh just admit that you a careless girl." Said V as he takes Bil's legs and he examine her legs. "Yah! Hands off." Said Bil while kicking her legs in the air. "Aishh this girl! Stop move or i'll kiss you." Said V as Bil stop move and she cover her mouth with her hands. V placed Bil's legs on the ground and he look at Bil. "Is there any part of your body hurt?" Asks V as his eyes stop at Bil's chest. "Yah! Pervert i'm okay and stop examine me." Said Bil as she enter the bathroom. V smirk as he go out from their room.  

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