Chapter 12

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Bil tip-toe as she passed the bed

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Bil tip-toe as she passed the bed. "Stop before i kiss you." Said V as he off from the bed and Bil stops. "Do it if you dare." Said Bil as V lean in and he stops when their lips an inch away from each other. "Are you want me to do or not?" Asks V while he smirk. "Hell that. Of course not. Who want your kiss? And i know it not the good ones." Said Bil while V's hands climb to her waist. "So you want to taste how good my kiss? And i'm sure that you want it more when you taste it once." Said V as he placed his hand at Bil's neck to bring her closer to him. Bil rolled her eyes and she knock her forehead at V's forehead. "Aishh this girl! Its hurt." Said V as he back off and Bil stick out her tongue. "Serves you right." Said Bil as V enter the bathroom. Bil quickly go out and she walks to the restaurant. 

 V and his friends sit at Bil's table as they enter the restaurant. Bil rolled her eyes while she eat her breakfast. "Morning." Greet Jungkook as Bil look at him. "Morning." Said Bil while smile. "Wait! Sit down. We will hang out together." Said V as Bil stand. Bil squinted her eyes and she sits down. 'Ishh this guy why don't he bring his Eun young to here?' Think Bil while she rubs her temple. "Let's go." Said V as he grab Bil's hand after they finished eat. Bil wants to yank her hand but she stops when V's killer eyes stare at her. Bil sigh as V do not release her hand. "Why you don't bring Eun young?" Blurted Bil while she look at the sea. "Because i don't you to hurt by bring her to our honeymoon." Said V as Bil laugh. "Are you kidding me? Me hurt? In your dream. I'm really happy when i see you with Eun young." Said Bil and V look at her. "If i with Eun young means you with that blonde guy, don't you?" "Oh yeah! You so smart. You know our marriage just left about 7 month. After that we will be free from each other. I can't wait for it." V nodded his head and he look at the sea. 'Why i feel hurt when heard she say that? Arghh Kim Taehyung you can't fall in love with her. You have Eun young.' Think V as he released Bil's hand. Bil smile as V released her hand and she walks to BTS. 

 Bil change her clothes and she sits at the couch while she playing game. "Ishh where this guy? Arghh i can die in boredness." Said Bil as she throw the pillow to the door. V open the door and he being hit by the pillow. Bil hold her laughter as she bow to V. "Mianei." Said Bil while she smile. V pick up the pillow and he throw it on the bed. "Are we going to swim today?" Asks Bil as V walk to the bathroom. "We cancel it." Said V as Bil pouted. "Stop acting cute. I'll not fall at you." Said V while he enter the bathroom and Bil rolled her eyes. "Arghhh bored. Bil, you dying slowly. Argh." Said Bil as she lied down on the couch and she closed her eyes. V smile as he heard Bil. 'She cute when she acting like this.' Think V while he bathed. 

Bil open her eyes as she feels droplets of water drip on her face. Bil hiccuped when she see V's eyes stare at her and their distance also close. V laugh after he heard Bil's hiccuped as he wears his clothes. Bil stamped her feets as she walked to V and she wanted smacked V's back of head. Due to V's height, Bil have to tiptoe to reach V's head. Unfortunately, Bil tripped on V's legs as V turns to her and make they fall on the bed while Bil on top of him. Bil wanted to get up but V grabbed her hands forced her to stay on his body. "Hahh i'm sorry." Said Bil as V look at her. 'Wait! Why my heart thump so hard? Am i fall in love with her? I can't.' Think V as he released Bil's hands. Bil get up and she open the door as the bell rings. "Ohh Bil, is V in here?" Asks Jimin as he see Bil. "Yeah. He is. Come in." Said Bil while gesture Jimin to enter their room. "Yah! What you doing here?" Asks V while he look at Jimin. "Man, you're late. We ready to go swimming." Said Jimin as Bil raised her brow. "Yeah i know. So, let's go." Said V as he grabbed Bil's wrist and they go to the beach.  

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