Chapter 29

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 V enter the class as he ruffled his hair

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 V enter the class as he ruffled his hair. V sits at the back of the class since his friends do not want to sit with him after they know what he did to Bil. Bil enter the class with Jungkook and she noticed V. 'Why he has to act like that? Urghh Bil! Let him be.' Think Bil while she sits. "Bil, i know i shouldn't talk about this but i'm feel sorry to him. He almost like a crazy guy." Said Haeri while she look at Bil. "I know that. Yeah i'll do something, satisfied?" Asks Bil and Haeri nodded. "I know you won't let him like that." Said U-ji while she elbow Bil's arm. Bil turns to back and she glance at V. 'Fine. I'll do that. Chance? Maybe.' Think Bil as their lecturer enter. 

Bil go to V's room and she knock. V open his door and he look at Bil. "Omma wants we go to her house today and sleep at there." Said Bil and V nodded. "Wait!" Said Bil as V wants to close the door. "Can i come in?" Asks Bil and V open the door. Bil blinks her eyes as she enter V's room. "What you do?" Asks Bil while she see V's clothes lay in a disoderly heap. V do not answer and he just lied down on his bed. Bil turns to V while she crossed her arm. V ignored Bil as he play with his phone. "Yah! Clean your room and manage yourself. If you do that, i will give you a chance." Said Bil and V look at her. Bil wants to go out from V's room but V grabbed her arm. "Thanks for your concern about me." Said V as he pecked Bil's cheek. Bil shrug off V's hand and she enter her room. 'Urghh this guy.' Think Bil while she smile. 

Mrs. Kim hugged Bil as V and Bil arrived at her house. "Aigo i miss you so much." Said Mrs. Kim as she let go Bil. "Me too, omma." Said Bil while she kiss Mrs. Kim's cheek. V smile when he see Bil do that to Mrs. Kim. "Let's eat." Said Mrs. Kim and they walk to kitchen. Bil enter V's room and she enter the bathroom. V enter his room and he lied down on his bed. Bil out from the bathroom and she sits on the couch. Bil takes her phone as it rings. 

Phone Conversation :- 

Bil : Hello oppa. Wae? 

Sung jun : I'm heard that you ran from V's house. Is that true? 

Bil : Yeah. Why? 

Sung jun : Wah jinja this girl. Why you do that? 

Bil : Because i want to do that. 

Sung jun : Yah! I'm serious. 

Bil : Haha. Something happen make me to run. 

Sung jun : Are you crazy? 

Bil : Oppa! If you are here, i'm sure i will kick you. If i'm crazy, i won't answer your call. 

Sung jun : Whatever. How V? 

Bil : He fine. 

Sung jun : And u? 

Bil : Yeah i'm fine. 

ung jun : Okay. Bye. I have something to do. 

Bil : Wait! 

Sung jun : What? 

Bil : Do you know anything about Buffy oppa? 

Sung jun : Not. His friends still looked for him. 

Bil : Okay. Bye. 

Bil hang up and she leaned on the couch as she close her eyes. V glance at Bil and he sighed. 'How to make she fall at me?' Think V while he rubs his temple. 

V sits on the bench at the lake near his house while he wait his friends and Bil's friends to arrive. "Hey V." Greet Hwasa and V look at her, U-ji and Haeri. "Hey." Said V as he get up. "V, how are you?" Asks Jimin and his friends walk to him. "I'm fine. Guys, i'm sorry. I know i shouldn't treat Bil like that. I too trust Eun young and make Bil like that." Said V While look at his friends and Bil's friends. "V, we also sorry for ignored you." Said Suga and V nodded. "V, you know past is past. We shouldn't think about it anymore. What we should think is the future. Something we can't avoid from doing a fault." Said U-ji while she pats V's shoulder. "Man, i'm sorry." Said Jungkook as he handshake with V. "Well, why you call us to come here?" Asks Haeri while she smile. "I want you to help me to make Bil fall at me." Said V and they nodded. "Just leave at us about that and prepare yourself." Said Jin as he punched V's shoulder.  

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