Chapter 30

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Bil wears the dress that Haeri give to her yesterday

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Bil wears the dress that Haeri give to her yesterday.

Bil put a little make up and she style her hair into long layered hair

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Bil put a little make up and she style her hair into long layered hair. Bil slips on her purple platform heels and she grab her pink purse. Bil out from her room and she out from the house. Bil enter Jungkook's car and he drive to Sokcho Beach. Bil and Jungkook go to the seaside as they off from his car. Bil blinks her eyes as she arrived the dinner table. 'Woah daebak! It beautiful.' Think Bil while she look around.

Bil sits at the table and Jungkook excuse himself

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Bil sits at the table and Jungkook excuse himself. Bil raised her brow when she see Eun young walk to her. "Bil, i want to say that i'm really sorry. I shouldn't do that to you. Bil, i'm do that because i'm jealous see you with V. I know that V start to love you. When he with you, he different. Not when he with me. I just want you to make V happy. You are the one who meant to be with him. Give him chance, Bil. What happen to you was because of me, Bil. Forgive him, Bil. Let him enter your heart." Said Eun young while her tears stream down her cheek. "Yeah. Eun young past is past. Its nothing to remember. There must be a reason why it happen. I already forgive you when i decided to come back to here. We are human and we can't avoid from doing mistakes. About V emmm maybe we not meant to be together too." Said Bil as she hugged Eun young. "Bil, he really loves you. He really worry when you don't appear at my birthday party. He is jealous when he see Buffy with you. Trust me please open your heart for him. Bil, don't lie yourself." Said Eun young and she walks off. 

Bil blinks her eyes as she see V walk to her. 'For the second time, he so handsome.' Think Bil as her heart thumping fast.

V look at Bil's eyes while he hold Bil's right hand

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V look at Bil's eyes while he hold Bil's right hand. "Can you listen to what i'm going to say?" Said V as he kiss Bil's hand. Bil nodded as her heart fluttering with V's kiss. "I'm really sorry for what i had done to you and for said that to you. I'm really stupid because i don't realise that i have pretty and kind wife. I denied that i fall at you after we married because of my own ego. I realise that i had hurt you since we married." Said V and Bil placed her finger on V's lips. "I know that and stop ask me the apology. I already forgive you. Fine! I hate this. I'm also love you but i don't want to admit it because i scared that you won't love me back. I'm sorry too." Said Bil while she smile. V smile and he kneel in front Bil. "Are you willing to be my forever soulmate and a mum for my child?" Asks V while he look at Bil. "I will." Said Bil and V hugged her. "Thanks baby." Said V as he place his hand at Bil's neck while he lean closer and he captured Bil's lips. Bil placed her around V's neck and she reply his kiss. 

Their friends shout when V kiss Bil. "Daebak! Our plan success." Said U-ji as she hugged Jin. "I think we will have a another couple to celebrate." Said Suga and U-ji broke the hug. Jin rubs his nape while U-ji blushed.  

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