Chapter 5

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V sits at his place as he look at Bil

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V sits at his place as he look at Bil. V look away when Bil turns to back. Bil talk with Jaehyeon and she turns to her friends. "Bil, where Buffy oppa?" Asks Hwasa as she look at her watch. "Molla. He should come now." Said Bil as she take out her phone. "Who Park Soon Bil?" Asks a student. "Mwo-ya she junior, right." Said U-ji. "Me, wae?" Said Bil as she stand up. "Someone wants to meet you." Said that student. 'She Eun young, right.' Think Bil as she sits down. "Said to that person that i'm busy." Said Bil as she look at that student. "But she really wants to meet you." "Can you get what i'm saying? I'm busy and that's my right to decided to meet her or not!" Shout Bil and that student taken aback. Bil gesture her friends to take that student to her. They do that and she sits in front of Bil. "Why if i don't meet her, you'll died?" Asks Bil as she stare that student. That student shake her head. "Urghhh fine, bring me to her." Said Bil as she stand and she walks out. Bil enter the gym and she meet Eun young's gang. "What?" Asks Bil. "Can you go to the canteen and buy a bread for me?" Asks Eun young. "Mwo?" Asks Bil as she furrow her brow. "Buy me a bread. Quick go!" 'I'm doing this because i don't want to get involved with you or with your brat boyfriend.' Think Bil as she buy many type of bread. Bil place its in front of Eun young. "Eat until you puked." Said Bil and she go back to her class. Bil sits at her place and she placed her head on her arm. "Bil, you want to continue the discussion or not? Are you okay?" Asks Joo young. Bil nodded. Joo young nodded and he read the book. 

 Bil sits at the field while she read a book. Then, a body block the light. Bil lift her head and she rolled her eyes. V stare at her. Bil sigh and she get up to left but V grab her wrist. Bil close her eyes as she sigh. "Why you and your girlfriend like to disturb me? And you why you always get revenge on me? And why not Eun young? And i know she your girlfriend but are you her bodyguard?" Asks Bil and V push her hard to the the tree. Bil feels like her back being crash into a lorry. "This for your kick that day. And i warn you not to touch me also." Said V as he walk away. Bil hold the bench to help her stand up. 'Shit!. I'll reply back what i get.' Think Bil as she walk to the class. 

 Bil enter her bedroom and she look her back in the mirror. 'Wahh its purple in colour.' Think Bil as she go to kitchen. "Ajumma, can you treat my bruise at my back?" Ask Bil to the maid. "Let me see first." Said the maid as Bil show her back. "Omo! Agashi its really worse. Why this happen?" "Molla-yo. Maybe i sleep in wrong position." "Emm you go to your room while i get the hot water and cloth." Bil nodded and go to her room. Bil lied down on her bed while play games in her phone. The maid comes into her room while bring a basin of hot water. The maid immersed the cloth in the hot water and press on Bil's back. Bil bit her bottom lips as she hold the pain. Then, Bil fall to sleep. 

 Bil wake up due to pats at her shoulder. Bil open her eyes and she see Mrs. Park. "Bil, wake up. Quick. Today is your wedding day and get yourself pretty." Said Mrs. Park as she walk out. 'Aishh this stupid wedding!' Think Bil as she see the dress. Bil hold her back as she hold her pain. Bil enter her bathroom and she do her daily routine. Bil out from the bathroom and she wears the wedding dress. Bil struggled to zip her dress since her back really hurt. "Bil!" Shout Haeri as she, U-ji and Hwasa enter Bil's room. "Can one of you help me to zip this dress?" Asks Bil. U-ji go to Bil and she zip the dress. "You look beautiful with that dress." Said Hwasa as she sits on Bil's bed. "Thank you. You guys also beautiful." Said Bil as the stylist make up Bil and she style Bil's hair. Bil look herself in the mirror and she nodded her head. Bil slips on her heels and she go to living room. Buffy and his friends stop talking and their eyes focused at Bil. 'She has grown up. She really beautiful and V lucky to get her.' Think Buffy as he smile to Bil. Bil smile to Buffy and she hugs him. "You look beautiful." Said Buffy as he look at Bil. "Oppa too. You look totally different." Said Bil as she giggled. 'Oppa, if only i can marry you. I bet my life will be totally like a heaven.' Think Bil as she linked her hand at Buffy's arm. "Kaja." Said Mrs. Park as they walk out from the house. 

 Bil feels nervous as she hold Mr. Park's hand on the aisle. Bil smile as Buffy look at her. Bil feels sad after she walk to V. "Relax. Don't nervous. Cool, you my daughter, right." Said Mr. Park as he pats Bil's hand. Bil wants to cry as Mr. Park hands Bil's hand to V but she hold it. V holds her hand and they turn to priest. The priest said all the main things and they exchange rings. "You may kiss your bride." Said the priest. V opened the veil as he smirk. Bil look away as V stare at her. Bil tighten her grip on the flower as she boil up when see V's smirk. Bil breathe in as V's face close to her. Bil see V close his eyes as his lips touch her lips. Bil back off when she hears the guest clap their hands. Bil and V face the guest and they bow to them. Bil glance at Buffy who look at floor. 'Oppa, why don't you make me as your girlfriend?' Think Bil as a drop of tears escape her eyes. Bil wipe it and she go down to her parents. Mrs. Park hugged Bil. Then, Bil hugged her friends. Bil hold her sadness as she approach Buffy. "Congrates sweetie." Said Buffy as Bil hugged him. Bil bit her bottom lips as she hold the tears. V furrow his brow as he see Bil. 'Huhh! Why don't she stop this marriage?' Think V. 

 Bil wears cream empire waist dress with brown ribbon at the waist. Bil released her hair and she put a little make up. Then, Bil slips on the cream platform heels and she go to dining hall. Bil go to Buffy instead to V. Bil sits beside Buffy and she converse with their friends. "Where the bride?" Asks Mrs. Jung to Mrs. Kim. "Wait, let me call her." Said Mrs. Kim as she go to Bil. "Bil, can you meet my friend for awhile?" "Nae, omma." Said Bil as she follow Mrs. Kim. "This my daughter in law." Said Mrs. Kim as Bil bow to Jung's family. "She really beautiful." Bil smile to Mrs. Jung. Bil rolled her eyes as she see Eun young and her gang. Eun young go to V and she hugged V. "Congrates baby." Said Eun young as she smile. V squinted his eyes. "Don't congrates me. I don't like it. And i wish that you'll sit beside my mum not her." Said V as Eun young chuckled. "She sexy what." Said Eun young as she tilt her head. "Not hot like you." Said V as he give Eun young drinks. Bil go back to her friends table. "Where Buffy oppa?" Asks Bil. "There." Said Hwasa as she point at the stage. "I want to say that congratulation for my beloved dongsaeng, Bil. Bil, i'm just want to tell you that you're my everything even you have married and don't forget me. I'll always there for you. I wish you will happy with your marriage." Said Buffy while he look at Bil. Bil smile weakly as she look at Buffy.  

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