two; dinner at the lahey's

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*Thank you voideverything for another amazing gif!*

EDITED: 7/4/16

"Jackson you were supposed to get the mail an hour ago!" I yelled at him when I saw him laying in the couch.

"And? You're the girl, you go do it," I huffed in annoyance and stomped my way outside to the mail boxes.

My brother could be such a dick sometimes. I opened the mail box and flipped through the envelopes and flyers.

"Wait this isn't–" The address written on the envelope was across the street from me. Great.

That house always scared the crap out of me, I heard screaming and crashing almost every other night. It scared the living hell out of me. So I made my way cautiously down the street and up to the door. I knocked once and the door opened.

"Kayla?" I looked up to see the same boy I ran into today at school. Shit, he knew my name but I didn't know his.

"Ho – how do you know my name?" I asked.

"We have 3 classes together," Well now I felt even more awful.

I decided to play along, "Oh yeah! Totally forgot, whoops! I just don't pay attention in school."

"You're a really bad liar you know that?" The blue eyed boy said to me.

"Isaac," I blurted out. "You're Isaac Lahey."

Scott's voice came into my mind as I said that. I remember him talking about a new player on our lacrosse team; he's supposed to be really good too.

Isaac's face seemed to brighten up as he looked me in the eyes, "I thought you just said–"

"Brain cramp," I interrupted him. "You tried out for lacrosse right?"

"Yeah. You're best friends with Stiles and Scott?" I nodded my head.

Wait, I'm here to give him the letter. Not make conversation. I took the envelope out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"It was in my mailbox."


Right as Isaac is about to close the door an older looking man comes up beside him. I'm guessing it's his dad. Isaac stiffens up and his jaw clenches.

"A new girl toy Isaac?" I cocked my head to the side as I looked at the two of them.

"No dad. Just a friend," He mumbled not making eye contact with either of us.

"How about we invite your 'friend' to dinner with us?" Isaac shot his head up and was about to reject but I chimed in.

"I'd love to," I knew what his dad did to Isaac, and I was scared for him. I didn't want to leave him alone right now.

I made my way inside and took a seat in one of the kitchen chairs. Food was already set on the plate while Mr.Lahey got another plate for himself.

"What's your name again?" Isaac's dad asked me.

"Kayla. Kayla Whittemore."

"I recognize that last name...weren't you and your twin brother Jackson born out of your dead mother's–"

"Dad," Mr.Lahey stopped and looked at Isaac. "That's a really sensitive subject to her."

"Oh. My apologies. So, how did you two meet?" He directed his question towards Isaac but I could feel his gaze burning into me.

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