seven; ice skating

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EDITED: 7/8/16

Isaac picked me up later that night and we headed to the ice rink. Everyone was already there, so once we walked up to them all of us went in. Lydia and Stiles were sitting on the bench together to my left, Allison and Scott were to my right. Isaac and I were in the middle putting on our skates.

"Leather jackets look good on you," Isaac was indeed wearing a black leather jacket and he was just one of those guys who could really pull it off.

"I know," He smirked glancing at me.

I shook my head at him and continued to tie my shoe laces. Isaac Lahey was one of a kind, and I'm so glad he's right by my side right now.

"You know how to skate?" I ask Isaac once I'm done tying my laces.

"Sorta. I haven't went since my mother died."

The mood in the room became depressed for a second, but I made it cheerful again.

"Well now you get to go ice skating with me," I took Isaac's hands and we went onto the ice.

"Oh sh–" Isaac started to slip but I caught him just in time.

"I've got you," I say to him.

Our faces were very close, and as much as I wanted to kiss him right then and there I couldn't. Isaac didn't know I was a werewolf and he couldn't find out. Not yet.

"Here I'll help you get started," I intertwined our hands and we began to skate.

I looked over at Allison who was trying to teach Scott, but failing miserably. Stiles was watching in amazement as Lydia did many tricks on the ice.

Isaac skated a little faster to come up from behind me and wrap his arms around my waist, "I really like ice skating."

I turned around and smiled at him, but Lydia's ear piercing scream rang through the rink. Isaac and I ran over to her, while Stiles was already at her aid. Lydia was thrashing in his arms, Scott and Allison came in right at that moment.

"What's wrong with her?" Isaac asked me.

"I don't know," I replied.

But I already know this must deal with the supernatural.


The next day Jackson drove me to school. I notice he'd been a little off lately; he doesn't talk to me as much anymore.

"How's lacrosse going?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"Since when do you care about lacrosse?" He snapped at me.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed. "I'm just trying to make conversation with my brother."

"Well I don't feel like talking to you," My brother mumbled.

"You've been so off lately! What's wrong with you?" He would always have these mood swings and it confused the hell out of me. One day he was all nice and caring to me; the next he would ignore or yell at me.

Jackson jerks the car to a stop and unlocks the door, "It didn't work. It didn't work for me. So, lacrosse sucks, my whole life sucks. Now will you please get out of the damn car!"

His words struck me, I've never seen Jackson go off like that; especially on me. As Jackson doesn't see me getting out anytime soon, he reaches across my body and opens the door for me.

"Jackson, if you're going through something–"

"Get out."

I look at Jackson one more time before slinging my bag over my shoulder and getting out of the car. I slam the car door shut and Jackson drives off without second thought. Luckily, he dropped me off near the school so it was a short walk.

"Why were you walking?" Isaac asks me when I near the front of the school.

"I – really don't wanna talk about it," I brushed past him and tried my hardest not to cry in front of all these people. Jackson's the only real family I have left.

"Hey," Isaac ran up in front of me and brought me into a hug. "I get it if you don't wanna talk about it yet, but let me comfort you."

I nodded and Isaac continued to hug me.


"Where's Boyd?" Isaac asked me when we sat down at lunch.

"I have no–wait," I stopped myself as I knew what was happening.

Boyd sat alone everyday at lunch, he had no friends. Erica was lonely and had no friends. Derek must've turned Boyd too. Boyd doesn't know the danger of becoming pne of us; there's the hunters, the full moons, and the risk of getting exposed if you lose control.

"What? Do you know where he is?" I looked up at Isaac.

"Kayla!" Stiles and Scott came running over to me. "We need you. Like now."

"Sorry Isaac. I gotta go," Isaac was about to say something but they dragged me away from him.

"You noticed Boyd too?" Scott asks when we get out of the cafeteria.

"Yeah. Isaac pointed it out to me and I summed it up."

"Okay, I'll check the ice rink for him," Scott says.

Stiles speaks up, "I'll check his house."

"And if he's not there you call me," Scott then turns to me. "Kayla I need you to watch Isaac. No offense, but after living with him I can tell he's kinda lonely. Derek may be after him next, we need you to watch him and protect him."

"Hey," Scott grabs my arm before I can run back to Isaac. "I need to talk to you."

"Can it be quick?" I asked.

"Hey I'll get a head start. You two talk," Stiles turns and runs out of the school.

Scott turns back towards me as he watches Stiles leave. "After tonight, I think you should start distancing yourself away from Isaac."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, Scott's usually that kind of person who says 'go for the guy'. "Why?"

"Because I can sense he's getting a little suspicious of what's going on: sudden disappearances, strange behavior. Sooner or later he'll find out about you and then all of us."

I shake my head, "No he won't. Isaac's oblivious."

Scott sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. "Just...stay clear of him after tonight, alright?"

"I better get going," I say not wanting to continue this conversation. "I need to watch Isaac. Good luck."

I run back in the cafeteria and see Isaac gone. What if Derek already has him?

"Isaac!" I yell and everyone looks oddly at me. "Isaac!"

"What?" He taps my shoulder and I turn around.

"Oh thank god! Where were you?"

"In the bathroom..." Isaac says awkwardly. "Are you done with Stiles and Scott?"

"Yep and clear your schedule today because for the rest of the day we're skipping classes," I take Isaac's and we walk to his car.


I'm really obsessed with this book okay? I like writing what Isaac would be like if he was just human through most of the episodes.

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