ten; jealousy looks good on you

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EDITED: 7/9/16

I headed out to the field and found Jackson putting on his equipment.

"Hey," I sit down in the seat next to him.

He looks over at me and smiles, "Hey."

I was still getting used to the whole Jackson and I being nice to each other. Hopefully he's not just pretending to be nice to get something out of me. I look up and notice Matt and Danny walking towards us. Jackson stands up and so do I.

"What the hell is this?" He asks looking between the two. "Dude I thought I could trust you–"

"Relax," Matt interrupts him. "It's my camera okay? He just needed to ask me questions."

Danny's eyes linger on me, "Does Kayla know?"

Jackson nods his head, "Yes. Now what did you find?"

"Matt found it."

"Found what?" I could tell Jackson was nervous, I was nervous for him too.

Danny holds out the phone for all of us to see, "There."

"There what?" The video is just of Jackson laying in bed. This is probably that night of the full moon.

"It's an edit point, it's been looped. Two hours worth," Danny says.

Jackson rolls his eyes, "What does that mean?"

"It means there's two hours of footage missing," I say with realization.

The whistle blows and Matt pulls me to the side. Jackson and Danny still converse; I didn't know what Matt wanted though.


"Uh, hi?" I say awkwardly. Matt and I have talked maybe once or twice, but I don't know him all that well.

"Are you free after the game tonight?" He asks me.

"I mean, Jackson may need me but if not–"

"We're actually hanging out," Isaac comes behind me all of a sudden.

Matt glares at Isaac for a moment before looking back at me, "Another night?"

"Kayla I think you should find a seat," Isaac pushes me over to the bench right next to him.

"What the hell Isaac?" I quietly shout at him. "Matt was just trying to be nice."

"Well I don't get a good vibe from that dude."

I notice his jaw clenching and his fists bundled up. "Jealousy looks good on you."

"What?" Isaac scoffs. "Jealous of Matt? Please. He looks like a potato."

I laugh at his choice of words, "Wow Isaac. Saying he's a potato is taking it way too far."

"Lahey get on the field!" Coach Finstock yells at him.

"Got it coach!" Isaac picks up his helmet.

"Just don't let out your jealousy on the other players," I sigh.

"I can try," He says putting on his helmet and heading onto the field.

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