twenty two; going away

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EDITED: 7/11/16

"Why does it smell like that?" I asked referring to the dog on the table.

I was at the vet clinic with Isaac and Scott right now. Deaton wanted me to be here because he was teaching me something new.

"Scott said almost the same thing a few months ago," Deaton tells me. "One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not."

"So how can Kayla help with all of this?" Isaac speaks up looking at him.

"Well this dog isn't...really getting better. He has osteosarcoma. It's cancer in the bone," Deaton explains to us.

"We can't heal him," Scott says. "But you can take some of his pain away."

My eyes widen at his statement. I can take a dog, or basically anyone else's pain away? "How?"

"Give me your hand," I pull away from Isaac and give Deaton my hand.

He puts it down on the dog's fur. Nothing happens at first, but then my veins turn gray and I feel the dog's pain going into me. It was a strange feeling taking somebody else's pain away. I could use this for Isaac if I ever needed to, he is a human after all.

I pull my hand away and watch the gray in my veins disappear. This was amazing, I took this dog's pain away. And now it won't have to suffer as much as it did.

"That – that was amazing," I could feel my eyes water a little.

"I cried the first time he showed me it too," Scott says.

Isaac places his hand on my back and rubs it smoothly. If he ever was in danger, I could use this on him. I just hope it's no time soon.


I was walking back to the room, but stopped when I heard Scott and Isaac talking. I shouldn't eavesdrop, but it was necessary. Well for me.

"Are you going with them?" That was Scott's voice.

"Yeah I think I will," Isaac replies.

Who's he going with? Where is he going?

"What about Kayla?" Thank you Scott. "Are you going to tell her?"

I walk into the room and make myself noticeable, "Or you can tell me right now."

Isaac turns to look at me. Scott awkwardly leaves the room as it's now just us two.

"Boyd, Erica, and I are leaving tonight. I'm going to help them find a pack," He explains. "Over the past couple of weeks I grew closer with them. I also was thinking that if we found an alpha, it could bite me and–"

"No," I immediately say. "You're not becoming a werewolf. You do not want this. Isaac, you're not leaving. That's – that's just crazy talk. We finally are together and you're just leaving me? Leaving everyone else? What kind of person are you?"

I didn't notice then, but I was crying now. Isaac rushed over to me and hugged me.

"Kayla it's for the best."

"No it's not!" I yell. "Stay here. You have a lacrosse game tonight too."

"I can't–"

"You know what? Fine. Leave, be with Erica and Boyd. But I get to say goodbye. Not you," I walk to the door before turning around. "Goodbye Isaac."

"Kayla wait!" Isaac calls after me but I ignore him.

I pass a confused looking Scott, he tries to ask me if I was okay but I brush him off. Once I get into my car I hear crashing. I knew it was Isaac. I thought we would be fine and happy together. I guess not.


all of you obviously know what happens, so next chapter will be better :) only one and a half more episodes till season 3 !!!

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