twenty one; police station

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EDITED: 7/11/16

"This better be good Scott," I yawn into the phone.

It was currently 2 in the morning and Scott just randomly called me.

"Can you come down to the police station?" He asks in a nervous tone.

I sit up from my bed, "Is everything alright?"

"Just – just come to the police station. Quickly," Scott hangs up and I get out of my bed.

His heart rate was pounding and there were noises in the background. I put on sneakers and a sweatshirt over my tank top. Then I got into my car and drove to the police station. Once I got there I headed inside, only to stop when I saw Isaac at gunpoint.

"Matt you son of a–" I stopped when Matt put the gun to Isaac's temple.

"One more step and I'll shoot your precious boyfriend."

"Kayla he said he wouldn't hurt anyone," Isaac tells me in a shaky voice.

I notice then that Scott and Melissa are also in here. They look at Isaac in worry. I feel hopeless right now, I need to save him.

"I might have to break that promise," Matt smirks before the gunshot goes off.

That's when I feel a sharp pain in my lover stomach. My hand immediately goes to that spot. There was a lot of pain there, but I knew it would heal soon. Another gunshot goes off and Scott falls to the floor.

"Kayla!" Isaac screams running to me, but Matt stops him.

"Get back," He yells. "Both of you!"

"Scott," Melissa says looking at her son.

"Mom just do what he says," Scott pleads.

"Get up you two!"

"Matt," Sheriff Stilinski's voice travels through the hallways. "Matt listen to me–"

"Shut up – shut up – shut up! Everybody shut the hell up!" He yells. "Now get up, or I shoot your loved ones."

Scott and I look at each other before standing up. The pain shot through me, but I managed. Matt pushed all of us into a cell room where he put Melissa in the cell. Stiles' dad was already chained up to the wall.

"Please, they need to see a doctor," Melissa cries looking at us.

I knew Isaac was worried about me, but since I was a werewolf he was more at ease.

"You think so?" Matt replies to her.

Stiles' dad stand up, "Hey – hey you listen to me!"

"It's alright! We're okay!" Scott says for the both of us.

Melissa continues to ramble on about wanting to help us, but Matt tells her to shut up again.

"If you keep on rambling, the next bullet goes through their heads," At his words Isaac takes a step forward, but I hold him back.

"McCall follow me. Kayla and Isaac, go up front," Matt takes us away and throws us two in a room. "I'll be right back love birds."

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