three; unexpected news

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EDITED: 7/7/16

Isaac left early this morning so Jackson and my parents wouldn't see him. The events of last night have been processing through my brain all night; I felt awful for Isaac. He was such a sweet boy, he shouldn't be treated like that.

"Crap," I muttered when I accidentally cut my finger a little while chopping up fruit.

I looked around the kitchen before looking back at my finger, it was all healed up. Thanks to Derek for turning me into a werewolf a couple months ago. There were perks to being a werewolf, but overall I hated it because it was something I had to hide from everyone. The only supernatural beings in Beacon Hills was myself, Scott, Derek, and Lydia but we had no idea what the hell she was.

"Hey. Hurry up or we'll be late for school," Jackson said coming into the kitchen and biting an apple.

"Okay give me a sec," I put the cut up fruit in a container and put it in the fridge. "Lets go to school."

Once we arrived Jackson immediately took off while I went to try and find Scott and Stiles. I needed to tell them about Isaac's dad.

"Kayla!" I turned to my left to see Isaac jogging over to me.

"Hey, you okay? Did your dad come home at all?" Isaac shook his head.

Isaac's dad has been missing for the whole night and there has been no contact from him. Even though Isaac's dad is a total dick, he's still worried; well maybe just a little bit.

"I've tried calling him but it goes straight to voicemail. I told Sheriff Stilinski and they're looking for him right now."

The bell rang throughout the hallways. "Listen I gotta get to Harris. I'll see you in a little okay?"

Once I arrived in Harris' room he stopped me immediately, "Sheriff Stilinski wants to see you in the front office for questioning."

Scott looked up from his seat with a questioning look on his face; I guess he heard Mr.Harris.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just get there, I have a class to teach."

"Try and get to the principal's office," I whispered under my breath just for Scott to hear.

He nodded his head and told Stiles the plan. The moment I got to the principal's office I saw Jackson leave with an annoyed look on his face. As I walked in Sheriff Stilinski and a few other deputies were there.

"Kayla, sit down please," Stilinski told me and I did.

"How long have you been living across the street from the Lahey's?"

"For as long as I can remember, but we never made interaction with them," I answered.

"How about noises over there? Any weird shouts or signs of abuse?" Sheriff Stilinski asked me.

"Um yeah a couple, but Jackson said not to worry about it," I admitted and it was true.

I would always want to call at least the police station and say I heard screams from across the street; but Jackson always said it wasn't our problem.

"Yeah I can see that," Stilinski mumbled. "Listen, we found Isaac's dad's car near a back alley way. We thought it was a car crash because of the rain, but after inspecting the car and seeing nothing there, we found his body. It was all torn up. Now, when we talked to Jackson he said that you went over to Isaac's last night and he didn't remember either of you returning."

"Isaac came over to my house because his dad threw a damn glass at his head!" I yelled standing up. "Listen, we didn't do anything okay? Isaac had a rough life and I'm going to make sure he has a good one."

I pushed my chair back and exited the room. Isaac's dad was dead. I didn't know if I should tell him or not; I'm pretty sure the Sheriff's department will take him in for questioning.

"Scott? Stiles?" I looked to see the two sitting in the chairs in front of the office. "I only said one of you, you know that right?"

"Well–" Stiles was about to say something but then his dad came walking through the door.

My dumb ass friend took a magazine and hid his face behind it. Mr.Stilinski rolled his eyes and looked at Scott.

"Scott," He nodded and walked off.

"You're dumb," I muttered to Stiles before walking back to Harris'.


I feel bad for not updating in a while, sorry! Next chapter will be the lacrosse tryouts and a little Kayla and Isaac fluff.

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