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EDITED: 7/17/16

It was hard watching Jackson and my step parents walk away into the airport without me. But I knew this was what I wanted; to stay here in Beacon Hills with Isaac and all my friends. Jackson needed a break, that's why they were moving to London. The plan was to stay at Scott's house now, hopefully he still has some room for me.

Melissa opens the door and her eyes widen when she sees all the bags in my hand. I give her a small smile, which she returns by letting me in.

"Thank you so much," I tell her putting my stuff down. "You're the best."

Melissa picks up one of my bags, "Any time Kayla. I'll take your bags to your room. Could you do me a favor though?"

"Of course."

"Scott and Allison just broke up, so could you try and help him?"

I nod my head and go upstairs to Scott's room. He was sitting on his bed doing absolutely nothing when I got in there. I knocked on the door and he looked up at me.

"I heard about you and Allison," I tell him once I sit down next to him.

"Yeah," He sighs. "She's going away to France this summer and things are just different between us. Allison and I will always have something; it's just not the same."

"You got over her that quickly? Come on Scott, you still have to be head over heels for her," The love these two had was epic; Scott can't just throw that all away.

"I know Kayla," Scott says standing up. "And I hate that I feel this way, because it'll ruin both our lives. It'll change things between us and I don't want to do that."

"What is it Scott?" I ask.

He runs his hand through his hair before looking at me, "When Allison turned all evil or whatever, I began to lose my feelings for her. At first I thought I would want her back when she went good again, but then I started thinking. About you mainly; Kayla I think I like you. I – I don't know yet, but there's definitely a place in my heart where you just seem be."

No words were coming out of my mouth, this couldn't be happening. I was finally happy with Isaac. My life was beginning to get back on track, but Scott just ruined that. He continued to look at me, waiting for an answer. But I didn't have one.

Isaac came into the doorway and smiled once he saw me, "Hey I heard you were moving in here."

"Yeah," I say walking over to him. "I was just telling Scott."

Scott glances my way before going back to sit down on his bed. I felt bad, but I didn't know what else to do.

"Wow I can smell what your mom is making for dinner Scott," Isaac grabs ahold of my hand. "Hell yeah Mexican food."

He brings me down stairs with him and I couldn't help but think about how I'm going to survive this summer.


this is the last chapter of this book, now to season 3!!! i can't wait for isaac and kayla's relationship to grow, or will scott's feelings get in the way??? you'll have to find out ;)

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