eight; skipping school

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EDITED: 7/8/16

"This feels weird," Isaac shifts uncomfortably in the grass next to me.

"Have you ever skipped school?" I chuckled looking at him.

Isaac shakes his head. "My dad would've locked me in the freezer if I ever did skip school."

"I've skipped a couple of times with Stiles and Scott, mainly because Stiles wanted to find a dead body or something," I stood up from the grass and held out my hand. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Isaac asked still sitting down.

"To show you something about my childhood," I grabbed Isaac's hand and pulled him further into the woods.

After a couple minutes I reached the tree I was looking for. Isaac and I walked to it.

"I see writing, but what does it say?" Isaac asked leaning closer.

"K.W + S.M."

Isaac turns and looks at me, "You and Scott–"

"Dated in Middle School and some of last year. We broke up, Allison came and Scott moved on," I could sense Isaac was jealous; he had no reason to be though.

"Calm down Isaac, you don't have to be jealous," I laughed nudging his shoulder.

"How did you know?"

"Your jaw clenches," I states pointing to his clenched jaw. "It's kinda sexy."

My face burns bright once those words slip my mouth. Isaac's mouth forms an 'o' shape with his mouth. We then make eye contact and burst out in laughter.

"Smooth Kayla, smooth," Isaac continues to laugh.

"Ugh, shut up!"

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I look to see Jackson calling me.

"God damn it," I mumble pressing the phone to my ear. "What?"

"Where the hell are you? Did you skip school?" My brother was furious with me by the tone of his voice.

"Yeah I did actually. With Isaac."

Jackson huffs through the phone, "Just this one time I'll cover for you Kayla. No more."

He hangs up and I let out a heavy sigh. I slide to the ground and lean my head against the tree.

"Jackson?" I nod. "Is that why were you upset this morning?"

Once again I nodded, "He yelled at me for some stupid reason. He basically kicked me out of his car. He was never like this before Isaac, he used to be that loving twin brother. Now, he's just a dick to me everywhere we go. Even at home."

I didn't realize I was crying until Isaac wipes a few tears off my cheeks.

"Kayla don't let Jackson make you cry. You're so much better than him. You're way more smarter, nicer, and everything about you is perfect."

"Thanks," I give a sweet smile to Isaac.

"We should go," Isaac stands up. "At least get back for our last period."

"Fine," I stand up and Isaac and I head out of the woods.


Whoops another stupid ending to a chapter. I can't wait for spring break because I'll be updating so much holy shittt.

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