twenty three; game time

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EDITED: 7/11/16

"What do you think's going to happen tonight?" Scott asked Stiles and I, but I wasn't paying attention.

All that was on my mind was Isaac. He just left like that. We were finally together and then he just left.

"Kayla!" Stiles slaps me on the arm and I return to listening. "If Jackson gets out of control we need you. I mean, guys we're losing."

"What the hell are you talking about? The game hasn't even started," Coach says from behind us. "Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg."

Stiles looks at Scott and I shocked. He wasn't really the best lacrosse player. I honestly don't know how he got on the team in the first place.

"What? What happened to Greenberg?"

"What happened to Greenberg?" Coach laughs. "He sucks, you suck slightly less."

"I'm playing? On the field? With the team?" Stiles smiles to himself.

"Yes, unless rather you would want to play with yourself."

"I already did that today. Twice," I groan and slap Stiles on the shoulder. I did not need to know that.

"Get the hell out there!" Coach yells.

Stiles grabs his stuff and runs onto the field. I felt proud for him, after everything that has happened these past couple of weeks, it feels good to just be normal for once. The game starts and Stiles was well...doing pretty bad. Scott kept glancing at me and the people around us.

"What?" I ask him.

I turn to where he's looking and see Gerard standing there. All I hear from their conversation is that when the clock starts to run down from 30 seconds, Jackson will kill someone if Scott doesn't bring Derek to him.

"Don't listen to him," I reassure Scott. "He's trying to overwhelm you. I can stop Jackson."

"Kayla we need to take precautions. Gerard is mentioning death; someone innocent could die tonight."

All of a sudden I feel a person next to me. I turn to see Isaac there with his uniform on. He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. I know I should rant to him about how stupid it was to just leave like that, but right now wasn't a good time.

"You came to help?" Scott asks looking over at him.

"I came to win, but mostly I came back for Kayla," Isaac gives me a little wink and I couldn't help but smile.

I look over at Scott, "Do you even have a plan yet?"

"No," He shakes his head. "Right now it's just keep Jackson from killing anyone."

"We need to get you on the field, and I think I know how."

I give Isaac a questioning look. I then realize that he's looking at the bench players, which means he's going to go out there and knock people out. Is he even that strong?

"Isaac I don't think you can–"

He puts my hand on his arm and I feel a lot of muscle. "Doubting me sweetheart?"

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