thirteen; in trouble yet again

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EDITED: 7/10/16

Scott's house now! Go in back door. Stiles' text reads as I drive down the road. I make a quick left turn and pull at the house behind his and jump the fence.

"Stiles?" I call out into the house.

I see him run around the corner and pull me to the front of the house. I stop instantly when Isaac looks up at me.

"Why does she have to be here?" He asks avoiding any eye contact.

"Because she's a werewolf and she's stronger than us so suck it up," Stiles lifted the curtain at the door and allowed me to look. I guess Stiles already knew that I told Isaac about the whole werewolf thing.

"Boyd and Erica are out there with Derek," Allison informs me.

I look out on the street confused as I only see two figures, "You mean Derek and Erica?"

Stiles' pushes past me, "Where the hell is Boyd?"

"Why are they here?" Isaac asks.

"Not the time Isaac!" Stiles snaps st him.

Allison takes a deep breath before aiming her crossbow at Erica. Before she can shoot Boyd comes from behind her and throws her to the ground; same with Stiles. He goes to Isaac, but I step in front of him.

"Touch him and I kill you," I growl as I transform into my wolf form.

"I'd like to see you try," Boyd smirks as he tries to claw me

I duck and claw him in the stomach. He growls in pain as he stumbles back into the wall. I turn to look at Isaac who has a scared look on his face.

"Run!" I yell at Isaac and he does.

Boyd then kicks me from my feet and I fall to the floor. I'm quick to get up and try and punch him. Boyd was very strong and twice my size, but I was way smarter than him. So, when Boyd clawed at my back and fell to the ground he turned away. I quietly stood up and threw him through a window outside. At the same time Scott appeared and threw Erica outside as well. I gave him a smile and he returned it.

Scott, Stiles, Allison, Isaac, and I walked outside to see Derek stunned.

He looks up at us, "I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me Scott and Kayla. You two aren't omegas. Kayla, you're a beta because Scott is a true alpha, in his own pack. But you know you can't beat me."

I was actually thinking Derek was being considerate with that whole little speech, but that last sentence made me go back to hating him.

"We can hold you off until the cops get here," Scott says.

In that moment sirens can be heard from the distance. Then a hissing sound all makes a look to the roof, we go to get a better look and see the kanima. I feel someone's arms wrap around me protectively and look up to see Isaac. He looks back at me then his arms, quickly removing them from my body. It looks at us before hissing and running off.

Boyd starts to stand up and looks around.

"Get Erica out of here," Derek demands Boyd.

I look up to see Lydia swiftly walking through the doorway, "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

My eyes travel to the roof to where the kanima was. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I come to realization.

"It's my brother," I gasp looking at Scott.


Short chapter, but this was the end of the episode. Kayla and everyone found out that Jackson is the kanima, feel bad for her because things were going well between her and Jackson.

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