six; admiring the view

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EDITED: 7/7/16

"In no way I'm climbing that thing," I looked up at the rock wall which Scott and Allison were climbing right now.

"It doesn't look so bad," Stiles said coming up to Isaac and I.

"Kayla I bet I could beat your ass climbing up that thing," Isaac challenged me.

I scoffed, "Oh please Isaac, I could climb faster than you any day."

Stiles nudged me, "Looks like someone's flirting."

I nudged him back and he groaned in pain. When I looked back at the rock wall I noticed Allison kick at Scott's foot which made him fall to the ground. I gasped when he got caught just inches from the ground.

"McCall I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy," Finstock told Scott.

I tried my best not to laugh as Scott got up.


"Kayla and I volunteer," Isaac raised both of our hands.

"Whittemore, Lahey, get up here then!" Finstock waved us over and we both got harnessed in.

"May the best win," I smirked and started climbing.

I obviously made sure to use my werewolf speed and strength so I could kick Isaac's ass at climbing this rock wall. I glanced down and saw Isaac a couple of feet below me.

"Aw is poor baby Isaac too slow?" I make a pouting face at him.

"Nope, just admiring the view."

That's when I notice he's staring directly at my butt. My cheeks turn a deep red, it's so bad I have to turn around and continue climbing. He was just staring at my ass. I kinda feel more confident in myself now after Isaac said that; maybe there's a couple pervy kids I don't know in the crowd below me also staring at my ass.

"Stare at her ass one more time," I glanced down and saw Jackson glaring at Matt.

I must've heard my brother say that to him. I was very surprised to hear Jackson be all brother protective over me; but the fact that Matt was staring at me was pretty creepy. Once I reached the top I made my way back down,
Isaac did moments later.

"I win," I say to him.

"Worth it," Isaac smiles.

"All right next two!" Finstock yells. "Stilinski, Erica. Lets go."

I haven't really taken in the appearance of Erica until now. Her hair was a complete mess while she was in awful smelling grey shirt and sweatpants. Stiles ran and got his harness on while Erica took her time.

"She's not going to make it," I whisper to Isaac as I watch Erica struggle to climb the rock wall.

Allison and Lydia joined us and watched warily as Erica continued to climb the wall. Stiles on the other hand was doing a pretty good job. Stiles was up and down before we knew it and Erica wasn't even halfway up.

"Oh, please." Erica cried out.

"Erica!" Coach stood beneath her as everyone crowded around. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear," Lydia told Finstock. "She's just freaking out."

How she knew all that was beyond me. Erica continued to struggle and I started to feel bad for the girl.


"I'm fine," She responded, but I could hear her heartbeat beating repeatedly.

"Coach maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic," Allison said.

"Why doesn't anyone tell me this stuff?" Finstock asked looking around. "Erica you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you, come on."

Erica took a deep breath before pushing off the wall and landing gently. "See you're fine. You're on the ground, you're alright. Let's go. Shake it off, you're fine."

Erica starts to walk away and everyone laughs at her.

"Shut the hell up!" I elbow Greenburg in the stomach as I push past him and go to the locker room.

Once we were in there Allison, Lydia, and I all started to get changed.

"I feel bad for the poor girl, I mean everyone laughed at her," Allison said to us.

"Where is she anyways?" Lydia asks looking around the locker room.

An image of Erica climbing the rock wall flashed across my brain and my eyes glowed their gold. Allison noticed this and looked at me in confusion.

I ran out of the locker room and into the gym to see Erica falling off the rock wall. Thankfully Scott had the same feeling I had and caught her. Everyone seemed to follow us as we ran over to her.

"Put her on her side, put her on her side," Allison instructs Scott and he does.

Erica continued to shake and I notice she's having a seizure.

"How'd you guys know?" Allison directs her question to Scott and I.

"I felt it," Scott replies.

"I saw it."


Isaac and I were sitting at lunch together, I saw Stiles talking with Boyd and I knew that he was trying to get the keys to the ice rink. He invited Allison, Scott, Lydia, Isaac, and I to go ice skating.

"I'm picking you up at 8?" Isaac asked me.

I nodded. "Or you could just ride with Scott and then we could all drive together."

"I'd rather be alone with you."

Isaac has currently moved out of my house and went to live with Scott. We though it'd be better that way since I can't keep hiding Isaac in my room for much longer.

"Woah," I looked up at Isaac's words to see Erica walking in.

Her skin, clothes, hair – basically everything was perfect. Something was up, and I think I know what.

I saw Scott and Stiles run after her, "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" Isaac asked.

"Just stay right there," I ran out of the cafeteria and caught up with Scott and Stiles.

Erica got into Derek's car before driving off. What was Derek doing with her? Was he going to do this with other teenagers as well?


Okay so basically what I changed with the whole AU is that Isaac won't be a werewolf. He's still be pretty bad ass though, maybe he'll learn hunter skills from Allison.

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