nineteen; the rave

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EDITED: 7/10/16

"Are you sure you're okay to go to this party?" Mom asked as I struggled a little to get out of bed.

"Yeah. I'm good."

Isaac took me to the hospital after I passed out (this is what Scott told me) and he stayed there for a while until he had to leave. I was surprised when I heard this; maybe things are getting better between the two of us.

"So, who's the lucky guy you're going with?" Mom asks me fixing my hair a little.

That's when I remembered I promised Matt I'd go with him. If Isaac sees us two together at the rave, lets just say it won't be pretty. I look in the mirror one more time to check my hair and makeup. Once I thought I looked presentable, I said my goodbyes and made my way to my car. It was weird that I was picking up Matt, but I don't care. I want this day over with.

After I picked Matt up and an awkward drive to the rave, he finally spoke up once we got inside.

"You look beautiful by the way."

"Uh, thanks," I give him a smile.

Matt takes my hand and leads me through the crowd. We stop in a clear area; that's when I see Isaac glaring at us.

I swallow nervously and look at Matt, "Just give me a sec. I got to go talk to someone."

Matt nods and I make my way over to Isaac. He grabs my arm and drags me out of his sight.

"Okay I didn't actually think you'd come here with that weirdo!"

"I was being nice," I say. "Plus, you're technically still mad at me so I can date whoever I want."

Isaac's eyes widen, "You – you're dating him?"

"Man I love seeing you jealous," I smirk crossing my arms.

Isaac rolls his eyes, "Okay first of all: screw you. Second of all, we're going to stop Jackson tonight. I'm actually working with Erica to inject kanima venom in him. Then we're going to strap him down in a chair or whatever and just make sure he doesn't kill anyone."

"And why wasn't I told this?" I ask. "Also, why the hell are you working with Erica?"

"We thought you'd be all sentimental about your brother; with Erica, you'll just have to see for yourself," Isaac places his hand on my shoulder. "Don't have fun with Matt."

I turn on my heel and walk back to Matt.

"Wanna dance?" He asks me.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," Matt takes my hand again and we move to the dance floor.


Me: Any news?

I continue to check my phone and see if Isaac will text back. He hasn't. I look up at Matt, he gives me a faint smile and I return one. Why did I agree to go with him?

"Do you want to move closer to the dj?" He yells over the music.

"Sure," For the millionth time tonight Matt takes my hand.

I accidently bump into someone, I was about to say sorry but I stop when I see Mr.Harris with some blonde chick. My mouth forms a grin as I try to hold in the laughter. Harris just stares at the two of us.

"She's 21," He tells us before walking away.

"Actually," I speak up changing my mind. "Can we go sit down? My feet hurt."

Matt nods and we take a seat. I check my phone one more time, still nothing. I let out a groan and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Not having a good time are you?" Matt asks.

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