eleven; finding out who's the kanima

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EDITED: 7/9/16

"You saw the thing?" I ask as Stiles nods his head.

"Yes! And I had to hold Derek above water for many excruciating hours," Scott ran over to us and started walking.

"Then I saved the day," He said.

I looked over at Erica and Boyd from across the hallway, "We have bigger problems though. Jackson told me that Erica and Boyd are planning on testing Lydia to see if she's the kanima. Jackson already got tested and he wasn't immune."

"Kayla!" Isaac jogged up to the three of us.

The memory of us almost kissing still lingers in my mind. I gave Scott a strongly worded text message that night.

"Oh hey," Isaac and I walk away from Stiles and Scott as we go into chemistry.

I see Lydia to go to sit by her, but Isaac brings me to a table with him. Thankfully Scott and Stiles come in right after me and grab the seat next to Lydia before Erica and Boyd can. Allison sits down in the seat in front of Isaac and I.

She turns around and gives me a questioning look, I nod my head towards Erica and Boyd.

"Oh," She mumbles before turning back around.

"What's going on?" Isaac asks looking between Erica and I.

"Wh – what?" I stutter. "Um nothing. It's just Allison and Erica don't get along so I'm just warning her."

Isaac nods his head but I can tell he doesn't buy it.

"Einstein once said, 'two things are infinite'," Mr.Harris says walking to the front of the room. "The universe and humanity stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. I myself have encountered infinite stupidity," Mr.Harris rests his hand on Stiles' shoulder. "So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts in a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in Mr.Stilinski's case less than one."

I let out a little laugh as Mr.Harris says that to Stiles. Sometimes I could hate this teacher, but other times he could be pretty funny.

"Erica you take the first station. Start with..." Hands fly up around the classroom.

God these teenage boys are so hormonal at this age.

"I didn't ask for volunteers," Mr.Harris sighs. "Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr.McCall."

Mr.Harris then pairs up the rest of us; me being with Isaac. As I'm starting to mix up the solutions Isaac taps my shoulder.

"Hm?" I ask glancing up at him.

"Tell me the truth," He states. "What the hell is going on? Erica and Scott look like they wanna kill each other, everyone is taking the opportunity to sit next to Lydia, and you – well you're being extremely secretive."

"Switch," The bell rings before I can answer.

"Sorry gotta switch," I go over to an empty table and groan when Boyd slides into the seat next to me.

"If you hurt my best friend I swear to–" A sharp sensation in my leg stops me.

I look down to see Boyd digging his claws into my thigh. "Get in our way and I'll hurt you."

"You really don't wanna mess with me," I say yanking his hand off of me. "I can beat your ass any day, now just mix these two things together or I'll become your worst nightmare."

Boyd's eyes widen as he mixes the solutions together. I smirk to myself and look over to Scott who is silently applauding me. After a couple minutes the bell rings again and I go to sit next to Lydia, but Boyd rushes past me and beats me to it. I groan as I sit next to Scott and Stiles sits beside us with Isaac. All three of us watch carefully as Boyd talks to Lydia.

"Time!" Mr.Harris dings the bell. "If you catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should be now looking at a crystal. Now for the last part of the experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy...you can eat it."

I look down at our cylinder to see nothing like a crystal. I see Boyd smirk and pick up the crystal for Lydia. Something's happening, and I could tell Scott senses it too. The only way Boyd and Erica can test to see if Lydia's the kanima without doing anything that'll make a scene...is if she eats the crystal. Boyd and Erica put kanima venom on the crystal. I look up to see Lydia grabbing the crystal, with the venom dripping off of it.

"Scott," I tap him and tell him to look up.

He does and sees the venom too. Just as Lydia is about to eat it Scott quickly gets up, "Lydia!"

"What?" She snaps looking back at him.

Scott sighs, "Nothing."

He sits back down and all of us watch in anxiousness as Lydia puts the crystal to her mouth. She bites into it and nothing happens. No...she can't be the kanima.

"Look out the window," Scott whispers to me.

I do and see Derek standing there by his car. He was waiting for the signal; he's going to kill Lydia.


Scott, Stiles, Allison, and I all walk down the hallway trying to come up with a plan to save Lydia. We go into a room and I make sure the door is shut.

"Derek's outside waiting for Lydia," Scott tells Allison.

"Waiting to kill her?"

"If he thinks she's the kanima, then yes. Especially since what happened at the pool," I say.

Stiles shakes his head, "It's not her."

"Stiles she didn't past the test, man. Nothing happened."

"No it can't be her–" Stiles stops as a knock on the door silences us.

The door opens and Isaac is standing there. He looks at all of us before his eyes land on me.

"Can we talk?" He asks looking around at everyone. "Alone."

I look at Scott who just shrugs his shoulders, "Uh yeah, sure."

I make my way out the door, extremely pissed that I'm missing out on the plan to save Lydia and nervous that Isaac is started to question what I am. I get a text from Stiles saying to meet him at Scott's after school.

Isaac brings me into an empty classroom and leans on the desk. "Kayla tell me the truth."

"About what?"

Isaac then looks me straight in the eyes, "What are you?"


Uh oh little Isaac is finally catching on about Kayla and the rest of them.

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