seventeen; progress

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EDITED: 7/10/16

Stiles: Where are you?! I was about to respond to his text, but someone bumped into me.

"Oh god, you scared the hell out me!" I internally groan when I look up to see Matt there.

We haven't really talked since Isaac interrupted us. I knew he had this huge crush on me, he wasn't good at hiding it however.

"Sorry," I tell him looking around to see if anyone could save me from this situation.

"I just saw Allison over by the boy's locker room. I think she was looking for Jackson," I knew Jackson and Allison were pretty close, but why did they want to talk? I probably needed to go though because Jackson good lose control at any moment.

I nod my head and start to walk, but Matt stops me. "Those are – uh nice shoes." He points to my black flats on my feet.

"Thanks?" God this conversation was starting to get really awkward.

"Hey wait," Matt stops me at my second attempt to walk away. "Did you hear about this underground show? Apparently they've got some big name spinning."

"Oh you mean like a rave?" I kinda knew where this conversation was going, and I wasn't going to like the result.

"Oh, is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a party. But hey, I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one?"

"Yeah," I say even though I didn't want to. Honestly, I felt bad for this dude. It wouldn't hurt to just go to a rave with him...right?

"Yeah?" Matt asks like he's surprised I said yes. "All right, cool. Um it's Friday so...looking forward to it."

I nod my head and put on a fake smile as Matt walks away and around the corner.

"So, Matt?" I turn around and see Isaac push off against the wall.

"Yeah. He asked me so I said yes," I say. "But I see you're making progress by actually talking to me."

Isaac rolls his eyes, "I wanted to try something. Like, see what you really look like."

"I mean, I could show you my eyes and claws right–"

"No, on a full moon," He interrupts me.

"I don't think you want to," I shake my head. "Isaac I could hurt you."

"Maybe I can help you control it? I don't know."

I couldn't believe Isaac was offering his help to me. But this was progress – maybe things would get better between us. My nose caught a whiff, like he was around another werewolf.

"Have you been talking with Derek lately?" I ask looking at him; recognizing the scent.

Isaac's body stiffens and his heart rate picks up, "Uh...yeah, but he wanted me to help you with your next transformation."

"Derek wants to turn you," I mumble in realization.

It makes sense, he only has Erica and Boyd with him right now. Isaac had an awful past, if Derek convinces him with the right words, he'll of course give in.

"Isaac you can't talk to him anymore," I tell him.

"What? Why?" He asks walking up to me.

"Just for your safety. He's not who you think he is," I warn him.

"I – I don't know Kayla," Isaac looks at me before backing up. "I gotta go. Just text me later."

He then walks away and out of my sight. I didn't know if we were good, but there was progress being made.

My shoulder gets pushed back as Scott sprints past me and into the boy's locker room.

"What the hell?" I walk to the locker room door and see Stiles and Erica there.

The door flings open, Jackson and Scott come flying out; wrestling on top of each other. I pull Jackson off of Scott and wrap my arms around him.

"What the hell is going on?" Mr.Harris walks up to all of us. "Hey! Enough!"

"Kayla," I look to my right, still holding Jackson.

Isaac looks at the scene with wide eyes. He probably heard us.

"What do you idiots think you're doing?" Mr.Harris looks between the two boys. "Jackson calm down."

My brother was still breathing heavily and I could tell he still had the urge to rip Scott's throat out.

"Mr.McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski! Kayla?"

"Hey I think you dropped this," I didn't notice Matt was here too until he spoke. He hands Scott a tablet, but Harris snatches it from him.

"You and you," He points to Scott and Jackson. "Actually...all of you. Detention. 3:00."


Kisaac is coming very very soon, I promise. I need them to kiss already lol.

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