sixteen; kidnapping jackson

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EDITED: 7/10/16

"Hey mom," I try my best to talk normally as I pick up the phone.

"Jackson's missing," She says worriedly. "You need to come home–"

"Mom I bet you he's out with some friends right now," I look over to Stiles who is driving even more faster through the preserve.

"We already called the police," She informs me. "Something's I don't know, but we need to look for him."

"I'll look. Let me go get started, love you," I quickly hang up and shut my phone off so it won't be tracked.

Stiles finally parks the van near the cliff and we all get out.

"Scott," Allison runs over to him.

He walks towards us with a stressed face, "I went to go visit Danny at the hospital. Supposedly Jackson recorded himself sleeping and the video got looped, so some of the footage is cut out. Danny said his tablet was in the trunk of his car at the club. So, when I went to take it, the tablet was gone. I'm pretty sure Jackson took it, but if Jackson doesn't remember being the kanima, he's definitely not going to remember stealing Danny's tablet."

I remember seeing the video, Jackson had actually trusted me and showed me what was happening with him. Then I remember Matt trying to ask me out, and then I remember Isaac pulling me away. Kayla, do not think of Isaac. He's done with you, move on.

"Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?" Stiles asks.

I was about to say he does but Allison talks first, "What if someone else took it?"

"Then that means somebody else knows what he is," I say.

Scott's eyes widen as he looks at us, "Which could mean somebody is protecting him."

"Like the bestiary says, 'the kanima seeks a friend' right?"

"Woah okay," I pause shaking my head. "So, somebody watches Jackson make a video of himself turning into the kanima, and then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? I mean, who would do that?"

I try and think of somebody who would, but nobody comes to mind.

"Somebody wanted to protect him?" Allison suggests.

"There's something else," Scott says. "Stiles, you said the only thing you found online about the kanima is that it goes after murderers. What if that's actually true?"

"Well no it can't be. Tried to kill all of us, remember?" Stiles says. "I don't know about you three, but I haven't murdered anyone lately."

"It hasn't tried to kill me though."

"Kayla that's because your Jackson's sister, he isn't going to kill you," Stiles looks at me like I'm stupid.

"He doesn't know who he is though when he's the kanima," I point out. "Listen, I don't think he's trying to kill any of us. Scott, when you were at Isaac's house with Allison, you said it went right by you. Stiles, it didn't kill you in the mechanic's garage."

"Well, yeah but it tried to kill me and Derek in the pool."

Scott looks at us like he finally gets what I'm trying to say. "I actually know where you're going with this Kayla. Stiles, what if it was trying to keep you in when you and Derek were in the pool?"

"Why do I feel so violated all of a sudden?" Stiles asks us.

I sigh, "Because there's something else going on. We don't know what it is, we don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson or why someone's protecting him."

"Know thy enemy," Allison whispers looking up. "Just something my grandfather said."

"All right, I got it. Kill Jackson, problem solved."

"Are you kidding me? You're not killing my brother!" I yell at Stiles.

Scott shakes his head, "He also risked his life for us. Against Peter? Remember that?"

"Yes, but what did we just find out? He got the bite from Derek. It's funny how he just got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us. It's funny."

I stare at Stiles, "His life is worth saving. To me. He doesn't know what he's doing!"

"So what," Stiles argues.

"Scott and I didn't either!"

"Remember when I almost killed you and Jackson?" Scott asks looking at Allison.

"And remember when I almost killed you?" I look at Stiles.

He shakes his head, "Yeah that still gives me nightmares."

"The point is, we had somebody to stop us," Scott continues. "He has nobody. Not even you can really help him Kayla."

"That's his own fault."

"Doesn't matter," I was seriously getting sick of Stiles fighting against him. Yes, he did do some stupid things to him in the past, but my brother comes before anyone else. "If we can save him, we can try."


I was now sitting in the police station next to Jackson and my father looking at us. I don't know how I got here, but all I know is that I saw Jackson transforming; then I blacked out. Jackson told dad that I just found him when he finally escaped. I wanted to tell a lie when he told our father that it was Stiles and Scott that took him, but he wouldn't believe me.

The door opened to reveal Scott and Stiles walked in. Their eyes widened once they saw me.

"Scott, Stiles," Sheriff Stilinski says looking at the two. "Perfect timing. Have you met Jackson and Kayla's father? Mr. David Whittemore? Esquire."

Jackson leans up from the couch, "That means lawyer."

Scott and Stiles continued to stare at me as I remained quiet.


"You are so dead!" Stiles yelled at me once we were in his house.

"She couldn't do anything about it," Scott defended me. "How did Jackson not believe you though Stiles? Weren't you sending their parents text messages?"

Stiles nodded, "Yeah. I sent stuff like, 'staying home late...don't wait up for me. love you'. What's so skeptical about that?"

"Yeah I don't see what's wrong with that," Scott says.

The two look at me. I shake my head, knowing where Stiles went wrong.

"They were suspecting something because Jackson has never said 'I love you' to them."


Again, awful way to end chapter but whatever. Isaac will be in the next chapter, but sometimes I like writing about Stiles, Scott, and Kayla's friendship.

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