eighteen; detention

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EDITED: 7/10/16

As all of us walked into the library at 3, Mr.Harris pointed us to seats.

"You three," Matt, Isaac, and I all sat down at a table.

Matt was quick to sit next to me; I could see Isaac clench his jaw in the corner of my eye. I ignore it and just decide to suck it up. Hopefully Harris will get tired of us and let us out early.

"Oh, uh we can't be in detention together," Jackson says as he sits next to Allison. "I have a restraining order against these tools."

"All of these tools?" Mr.Harris asks.

Stiles raises his hand, "No just us tools."

"Fine," Harris points to the table next to mine. "You two over there."

Stiles and Scott move over there and I decide to take out my notebook and draw whatever the hell I feel like drawing. Knowing Harris, he won't let us out early – he'll probably keep us in here for like five hours. Matt takes out his tablet and I glance over. It looks like he's reading some type of book.

"Kanima," He whispers.

I turn my head slightly towards him, he looks at me but quickly turns away. Isaac cocks his head to the side with a questioning look; I shake my head and glance at Matt one more time. Allison had told us earlier that a kanima seeks a master. I don't know, but I have a gut feeling it could somehow be Matt. He's just...weird.

I turn my head away from them and look at my brother who is holding his head in his hands.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, "I – I'm fine. I just need to get water."

Jackson exits the library quickly. Everyone looks around at each other, wondering what was going on with him. I knew he was probably starting to change.

"Are you going to the rave this week?" Isaac asks breaking the awkward silence between all of us.

"Actually, Kayla and I are going together," Matt tries to put his arm around me, but I shake him off.

I knew Isaac was going to question Matt, maybe have a little fun with him.

"But you two barely talk."

"We do," Matt protests. "Why do you care? You ignored her ass for a couple weeks."

Isaac stands up out of his chair, "You're a little punk ass bit–"

"Mr.Lahey!" Harris shouts. "Don't make me hate you more than Stilinski."

"Sorry sir," Isaac sits back down and glares at Matt.

Jackson comes back into the room, still looking like hell. Mr.Harris zips up his bag and we all get ours.

He chuckles as he looks at all of us, "Oh no. I'm sorry. Uh, yes I'm leaving, but none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving."

He pats two full carts of books.

"You suck," I say.

"Thank you Ms.Whittemore," He smiles at me before he exits the room. "Enjoy your evening."


"I'm about to kill myself," I mumble putting another book on the shelf.

"Oh come on. Suck it up," Jackson snaps at me.

Isaac turns around, "Chill the hell out. She's your sister at least show some respect!"

"Guys calm down," Matt says getting in between the two. "Dude you okay?"

My brother was still very pale and sweaty. He continues to stack books, but he stops all of a sudden. Jackson turns to all of us with his kanima eyes. Before I can scream he pushes me through the book shelf, it breaking during the process. Books fall on top of me and I can't see anything.

"Kayla!" I can hear Isaac scream.

His face comes into view as he throws the books off of me. Isaac's arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry, I should've gotten in front of you–"

"Shh," I tell him. "It is not your fault. You're not like me, if anything I need to protect you."

I look up and see Matt lying on the ground with the cut on his neck. Scott looks at the two of us, turning around to now look at Jackson.

"Erica!" He shouts.

I try to get up and help Scott, but Isaac pushes me back down, "You're too weak."

Lights break all around us and Isaac takes me under his cover. Jackson then looks at all of us; half human, half kanima. He looks possessed as he writes something on the chalkboard.

'Stay out of my way. Or I'll kill all of you' is what the board reads. I feel Isaac's grip around me tighten, I grab ahold of his hand. Jackson then leaps out the window. All of us emerge from or hiding places and look at each other.

"Isaac–" Was all I could say before I passed out.


little cliffhanger, sorry about that ;) BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW JACKSON HURT MY BABY KAYLA. LIKE DUDE SHE'S YOUR SISTER. and also you can see isaac still very much cares for kayla !!

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