twenty; full moon

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EDITED: 7/11/16

I woke up to see Isaac laying on a blow up mattress on the ground. He was reading a book, but looked up when he heard me.

"You didn't have to sleep on the floor," I tell him stretching my arms.

"Well Melissa knew how much I hurt you, so she made me sleep on the blow up mattress. I would've slept next to you in a heart beat."

I try to contain my smile, I want to play hard-to-get. He hurt me tremendously; I can't give in right away. Isaac stands up and goes to search in his closet.

"What are you looking for?" I ask going up to him.

"This," Isaac pulls out a duffle bag. "Derek let me borrow these chains for you. Tonight's the full moon remember?"

I had totally forgot about that. Sometimes I would have control on full moons, but since it's that time of month for me I'm a lot more moody.

"Isaac I don't think you should be here when I – ya know turn," I say. "I mean, I could hurt you. And I couldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you because of me."

Isaac places his hands on my shoulders, "Everything will be alright."

I look away from him and see the date on the clock. Holy shit I forgot. "It's Lydia's birthday."

"Well you're not going. The full moon is–"

"I know. But maybe if it starts to effect me, just bring me somewhere else. Lydia's my friend, she's been through a lot this year."

Isaac sighs, "Fine. But I'm combining gifts with you."


"Kayla there's literally no one here except for Scott, Stiles, and I," Allison says over the phone.

"Don't worry," I reassure her. "Isaac and I are driving to her house right now."

" and Isaac are–"

"We're okay," I interrupt her. "Listen we'll be there in a couple minutes."

I hang up and put my phone back into my jean pocket. I look over at Isaac who is glancing at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"Oh – um you look really beautiful," Isaac turns into Lydia's driveway.

I look out the window, trying to cover my face. "Thanks. You look nice yourself."

Once we were parked I grabbed Lydia's gift from the back seat. I got out of the car and walked up to her door, Isaac following in pursuit.

Lydia opened the door and smiled when she saw us, "Finally you two are getting along. Wait, what's in the bag?"

I thought she was talking about mine, but I looked to see she was pointing to Isaac's duffle bag.

"Uh – it's um, stuff," Lydia just rolls her eyes at Isaac and lets us in.

There were a lot of people here. I thought that with Lydia being the town's crazy person nobody would be here; guess I was wrong. As we go outside, Isaac suddenly grabs my hand. I look at him weirdly, but he nods his head at someone. Matt was standing a couple feet away from us, and he was looking at me. I told Isaac about what happened. Lets just say he hates Matt even more now.

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