fourteen; club night

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EDITED: 7/10/16

I parked my car and made my way over to Stiles and Scott who were standing by a door to the back of a club. Scott called me asking for help to catch the kanima - also known as my brother. I walked up to them and they greeted me.

"Thanks for coming, I know that you still have a lot to take in-"

"I'm fine," I interrupt Scott. "Why is he here anyways?"

"He's after Danny," Stiles says. "Hey lets get moving before Jackson does something."

Stiles goes towards the door to open it, but it's locked. "Aw, come on."

Stiles start to look around the wall, "Alright, maybe there's like a uh -- like a window we could climb through, or some kind of..."

Stiles trails off as Scott rips the door handle and gives it him, I follow behind Scott. Once we get inside the music is blaring...and there's guys everywhere.

"Why is everyone in here a freaking dude!" I yell over the music, I keep looking and my mouth falls open when I see two guys grinding on each other.

"I think we're in a gay club," Scott yells back.

I look at Scott, before directing my attention to Stiles who is surrounded by drag queens. "Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh Scott?"

I yank Stiles away from the drag queens and bring him to the bar where Scott is heading to. I cannot believe these two idiots I call best friends brought me to a gay club. Guys eye me warily as I pass them; this is very awkward.

"Three beers," Stiles says as we sit down on the stools.

"ID's," The waiter looks at us suspiciously.

"Just give me a coke," I tell the guy and he nods.

Scott and Stiles reach into their wallets and give the waiter their drivers license. Again, they are idiots. The waiter shakes his head and smiles at the two.

"How 'bout two cokes like your friend over here?"

"Rum and coke? Sure!" Stiles says nodding his head to the music. "Coke's fine actually. I'm driving anyway."

I'm not surprised when a shirtless dude comes over to us and hands us the three cokes. What does surprise me is when shirtless dude says Scott's drink is paid for. We all look across the bar to see a guy raise their drink at Scott. I try to contain my laughter as Scott looks all giddy and Stiles gives him the stink eye.

"Scott honey stick to Allison," I pat his back and drink some of my coke.

"Oh shut up," Stiles groans.

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah well your face did," We all turn around and look at the crowd; searching for Danny.

So many things were going on in my head right now. First, I have Isaac ignoring me because he now knows I'm a werewolf. He's ignoring everyone who is supernatural basically, Scott mentioned earlier that he hasn't talked to him at all. I actually really like Isaac, he's allowing me to forget about my supernatural side and feel human again. Then I have Jackson being a damn kanima and Derek wants to kill him. Life is going great right now.

I look over at the crowd again and see Danny dancing with a guy, "Hey I found Danny."

I set my coke down and look at what Scott's looking at, "I found Jackson."

Jackson crawls along the ceiling, right above Danny.

"Get Danny, Kayla come with me," Scott says.

"What're you gonna do?" Stiles asks. Scott and I show our claws. "Works for me."

We go our seperate ways and I follow Scott as our eyes are trained on my brother.

"Wait where did he go?" I stop walking and look around at the ceiling.

"I don't know," Scott says.

All of a sudden smoke starts to fill the room and my vision becomes blurry. I lose sight of Scott. Sweaty male bodies dance all around as I try to find Scott or Stiles. The smoke fills the room more and I cannot see at all now.

"Hey!" I hand grabs my wrist and I turn to see Scott.

I sigh in relief, "Oh thank god I thought I lost you."

We turn our heads as hissing sounds fill the air. I then see my brother in his full
kanima form. He didn't deserve to be going through this.

"Jackson!" Scott shouts.

I look and see red eyes appear, meaning Derek's here to kill him. He growls and goes forward.

"No don't!" I yell at Derek.

Screams fill throughout the club and the smoke starts to disappear. Panic surges through me as Jackson and Derek are both nowhere to be seen. I see Danny laying on the ground, meaning Jackson had paralyzed him. But where was Stiles?

Scott grabs my hand and we run outside. A trail of blood leads over to a car, we follow it only to see Jackson laying there. He starts to cough and I go to kneel down by his side.

"Shh it's going to be alright," I whisper to him.

Even though a little bit of blood got onto my jeans I could care less, my brother was in serious condition right now. Stiles came moments later and looked confused as hell.

I look at Stiles and Scott, "What do we do now?"


I feel bad for not updating in a while, but here it is!

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