five; close calls

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EDITED: 7/7/16

Derek walked in before us, with Stiles and I trailing along. The lady deputy that Derek was going to 'flirt' with came walking in with a folder in her hands.

"Good evening how can I"

Stiles and I peaked around the door and watched.

"Hi," Derek smiled.


"Um I had a question – um, sorry I'm a little – a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone..." Stiles and I begin to sneak past them.

"Like me?" She asks.

"Oh, I was going to say 'so incredibly beautiful' but yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing."

I almost gagged at the scene, but Stiles pulled me along with him. We maneuvered through the halls until we reached Sheriff Stilinski's office. Stiles went to the wall where there was a little case on it. He typed in a code but when it opened nothing was there.

"No no no," Stiles mumbled rushing off with me following.

"Stiles what's wrong?" I ask while running.

"An officer must've taken the keys. We need to get them before he takes Isaac some place else–" Stiles was cut off when he ran into an officer.

"Whoa, uh, just looking, um..." Stiles trailed off not knowing what to say.

"What are you two kids doing here?" The officers looked at us.

I didn't know what to say, I thought this part of the building would be empty by now. Without thinking I punched the officer in the face and he fell to the floor passed out; his hand slid against the fire alarm latch and it went off across the building.

"Kayla!" Stiles screeched.

"I – I didn't know what else to do! Come on!" I grabbed Stiles arm and we ran to the room where Isaac was.

I knocked down the door and saw Isaac standing up in his cell confused.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked us.

"Just close your eyes okay?" I told him since I didn't want Isaac to see what I was about to do.


"Just close your eyes!" Isaac did and so I ripped the door open.

When Isaac opened his eyes they widened.

"How did you do that?" He asked walking towards me.

"Guys we need to go," Stiles said looking out the door.

"I'll explain later," I tell him and we all run out of the police station.


My parents let Isaac stay the night surprisingly, probably because they didn't really care at all. I've been trying to avoid talking to Isaac all night even though he was in the same room as me. I still didn't have an excuse to tell him that I was a werewolf; he was just a normal teenage boy.

"How did you get the door open?" Isaac asks when I'm brushing my hair in the mirror.

I set my brush on the desk and turn around, "We had a key."

"Then why did you tell me to close my eyes?" I shrugged at his response.

The whole 'we used a key' thing is the best lie I came up with in the moment.

"Whatever," Isaac lays down on the bed. "Thank you though. Both you and Stiles saved my life tonight."

"I'll always be there for you Isaac," I tell him laying next to him on the bed.

I turn the lights off. A pair of arms sneak their way around my waist and I look back to see Isaac trying to spoon with me.

"What are you doing?" I laugh at him.

"What? This is quite comfortable."

I shake my head and snuggle closer to him, "Goodnight Isaac."

"Goodnight Kayla."


This chapter was okay, idk but this book will get better :)

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