[ o 3 ] december 07 [ f a e ]

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December 07, in the living room

I remember that first day when I decided to end things.

You shook my body like you thought I was insane, or maybe like I was drunk or something. You couldn’t believe it.

And I honestly felt that confusion in you. The fear of letting me go. And that is also when I felt your real love. The time when I finally knew that you really loved me. And yet I was the first one to let you go.

It’s rare to find a guy who will always be there for you. A guy who will never leave you, a guy you will never find drunk in a party and almost get into trouble because of driving right after drinking too much. You never got a parking ticket right after we were together. You never got into fights with someone.

You were a very good person. You drink, but you don’t finish the whole bottle. You were cautious. For me. And I know that it’s for me, because all of those other times you’ve been in a relationship with those girls before me, you were someone else, someone different. You changed. For me.

People told me I was a very lucky girl to have you as my boyfriend. They told me I was very lucky to find a guy who’s so perfect; both on the inside and the outside.

And yet I was the one who betrayed you.

I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.

But I just want to say this: I still love you. And I always will be, until the end.

And I also want to thank you for being a very nice guy. The perfect guy every girl would swoon for.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

I hope you believe me. I really hope you do.


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