[ o 7 ] december 08 [ f a e ]

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December 08, someplace I don’t want you to know


I’m back.

Truth be told, I’m in one of the places I don’t want to be right now. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you what that place is, but if I did, I hope you don’t remember where that place is, because I don’t want you to cry.

I know you’ve never shed a tear in front of me even once, but from those times when your mother told me your baby days, I kind of laughed (sorry, it was really funny so I couldn’t help myself) at her stories about you. She told me the first time you wet your bed, the first time you cried because your favorite toy was broken, and even the time when you had your first girlfriend and she visited your house without telling your mother beforehand.

Actually, she told me she was completely outraged when she knew about that. She told me that she always wanted you to be open to her, but somehow she always feels like you’re keeping deep secrets from her. Even if it’s about your relationships.

But you know, I think I have the feeling that when your first girlfriend visited your house, you guys did it. I’m sorry, it’s just that it’s been bugging my mind lately. Since I’m so used to your new self, the one I’m always seeing since we’ve been together, I never imagined for you to do such dirty things like that over and over (until you found me).

I know you’re wondering why I was suspecting that, yes? Well, it’s because I also know who you were back then. I knew how much you were such a playboy. Actually, when I asked one person about you (about you from the past), that person told me you were mostly acting like a b----. Sorry, I don’t want to write the word. You know how I’m so sensitive about those things. I actually appreciate the fact that you’re not telling bad words in front of me, just for me.

Although I’m not so sure if you’re still saying bad words to other people, though. I never knew. Well… are you?

Oh, such a stupid question. Of course you can’t answer that. I’m just writing this out. It’s not like you can answer the question in front of me ever again. I’m sorry.

I need to go now. I’m sorry.


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