[ o 4 ] lesson [ r a v e n ]

153 18 3

lesson [n.]: 1. Something that serves as a warning or encouragement.

I slammed the door shut behind me, not caring if my parents will hear it, and also not caring more if Tala decides to bother knocking on my door, asking me if everything’s fine. Because I will tell the truth. Everything is not fine. I will continue my promise with Fae. I will never lie. Ever. Even after she fades away into this world. Never.

   My eyes caught the paper ripped from a notebook pinned on the corkboard on the east wall of my bedroom, just above my study desk. I have never had the interest enough to study at all in school, but once Fae entered my life, I decided that I should study. For her. Since she asked for it.

   “You should study even once in a week, Raven. Your Tuition Fee will go to waste.” She once said. Fae, always the caring one. She never liked wasting anything. Especially when it comes to studies. She would cross her arms and look at me with a cold stare once she finds out I didn’t even study one subject even in a single week. “You’re wasting your parent’s money!”

   I walk towards the corkboard and unpin the piece of paper from its place. I read the paper even though I know it will end up making me cry again.

   Hey! This is my first note to you in class ;) I’ve never done this before, especially passing a note during class. ESPECIALLY in Mr. Hemming’s class! But anyway, I hope you’re fine there. Are you catching up with the lessons lately? I hope you are, or else I’ll be forced to tutor you. *stares at you with narrowed eyes*   -- Fae.

   The note didn’t give any important message. Not to her, no. But to me, it gives off as my motivation to study harder than I did before. To study more and more. I remember when my name was called in honor roll once, Fae was so proud of me. And I couldn’t help but smile at that part of my life.

   I wonder if this will be as far as I can get to be nearer to Fae anymore? I wonder if I will just keep on reminiscing happy, sad, and funny memories that I shared with her in my life.

   A tear finally flows from my eye and rolls down my cheeks. I’ve never cried my whole life until now. I never cried even when our relationship was still alive. She told me never to cry, because there are so much more happy things in life that I should laugh and smile about than mourning over such things that may end with just a simple solution.

   Fae always knew what to say. She always knew what would make my day complete. She always knew what to say. She was the one who taught me so much important things in life my past girlfriends would never have told me even just for a second.

   Fae was a different person.

   But why did she waste our relationship? Why did she end it? Why didn’t she give me any reason why? Why?

   I pinned back the paper on the corkboard and lied on my bed, finally opening the blue notebook.

   Well, here it is. Here are her feelings during those times. Her reasons.

   I hope all of them are true.

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