[ 1 3 ] december 13 [ f a e ]

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December 13, in the hospital.

Yes, that “someplace” is this place. And now you know. And I know myself that I won’t last long anymore, so I’ll write as much as I can for the last time.

   That’s one of the good things I’ll remember after I die: At least I did something I love doing before I give in to eternal pain until the afterlife gets me.

   So, this is it.

The List

1. Mom. Thank you so much for enjoying life with me like natural best friends would. Thank you for being the kind of mom that’s not like in those movies that are so mom-like. You’re not like them. You’re a special mom. You’re MY mom. The mom I loved and always will love. Forever. Thank you for being such an awesome mom.

2. Dad. Thank you so much for all the support. Thanks for being an awesome dad as much as mom was an awesome mom for me. Thanks for understanding everything. Thanks for teaching me Math when I didn’t understand one thing about the day’s lesson. Thank you so much.

3. Tala. Thank you for being such a nice best friend. You’re the greatest best friend I have ever met. Thank you so much for being there for me when he couldn’t. I know it’s my fault because he couldn’t, but still, thank you. I love you, Tala, my sister, my best friend, my one-of-a-kind very special advice-giver. Thank you so much.

4. Hannah. Thanks for everything. Thanks for being such a nice friend before you left me for the cool kids. I understand your reason why (I think). I’ll just try not to feel insulted. Thank you so much.

5. James. Thanks for being such an awesome guy-friend. You’re the best.

6. Lastly, Raven.

   I love you.


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