[ o 6 ] melancholy [ r a v e n ]

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melancholy [adj.]: 1. Affected with great sadness or depression.

The simple ringing of my phone interrupted my reading. At first I tried to ignore it, but the constant replaying of The Script’s “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” got me annoyed. I remembered the time when I first made that as my ringtone. It was because Fae loved that song.

   “The guy was so sweet to wait for years just so her girlfriend will come to him even though he already knows that his girlfriend will never come back.” She once said. I shook off the thought and looked at the caller I.D.

   It was Grey. I pressed the Accept Call button.

   “Dude?” Grey’s deep voice said once I put the phone on my ear. A slight yelling could be heard from the background. “Ellie!” A girl’s voice said. “Come back here!”

   I smiled a little at the funny yelling and finally answered. “Yeah?” Although my voice was a little hoarse from all of the crying I’ve been doing while reading Fae’s notebook.

   “Hey, man, are you okay?” Grey’s caring voice said. Hah, to those people who said boys aren’t caring people (unless you’re their girlfriend), then they’re wrong.

   Good thing I still have my humor intact even after all this time. I guess that’s a good thing.

   “Yeah, s’okay.” I said. “Why?”

   “I actually heard about what happened. I’m so sorry man. I never thought Fae would do something like that.”

   I didn’t reply. If I did, what would I reply in the first place, anyway?

   “Rave?” Grey said, checking to see if I’m still alive.

   “Yeah, yeah… I’m still here.” I said. I stared at the paper again that was pinned on the corkboard. That note has always made me smile whenever I looked at it, but now that I put my gaze on it again, it didn’t make the corners of my lips curve upwards even the slightest bit.

   “Do you need some personal space, man?” Grey asked. I can hear a dog barking from the background. It sounded like a big dog’s voice.

   “Yeah, I think so.” I answered.

   I heard Grey exhale loudly from his mouth. “Okay, I’ll leave you to your own devices,” he said. “Good luck, man. Take care.”

   I wanted to ask why he wished me luck, but he already hung up right when I finally decided to ask it to him. But I didn’t try to call him back, though.

   Well, on to reading again.

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