[ o 9 ] december 08 [ f a e ]

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  • Dedicated to my older sister

December 08, on the ride home

The car just passed that tree.

Remember that? Or did you forget that already?

Because for me, I never forgot even the slightest memories we had together. Especially that memory with the apple tree.

I remember that we were walking back home after school. Actually, you weren’t walking back to your own home then. You were escorting me to my own house. That was also the third time you would be seeing my house, and the second time you would be walking inside of it.

We were actually quarreling back then, if passing each other comedic teases were considered quarrelling, even though we both liked what we were doing. I knew you liked what we were doing. Your huge smile was a dead giveaway.

Moving on to the apple tree. It was placed near the park. While we were quarrelling, you suddenly stopped walking, and raised your hand in front of my face. “Wait.” You said. I made a confused face and raised an eyebrow. I watched you walk towards the tree and get an apple from it. Two apples, to be exact.

You walked towards me again, and you gave me one of the apples right after you cleaned it with your shirt. “Here.” You said.

“W-what?” I was really flustered back then. It was the first time you gave me something, even though it was a simple apple. Should I get it, or should I act like I don’t want it? I actually debated between the two choices, but I ended up taking it. “Thanks.” I said.

“No problem.” You replied back. You know what? I knew immediately back then that you just did that so we would stop quarrelling, so you would ask questions about me. Because right after we continued walking while eating our own apples, you suddenly said, “Let’s play 20 Questions”.

Inside, I was actually laughing. Your technique of getting to know me instead of just quarrelling with me on the way home was quite corny. But I liked it. Some corny things just tend to be either sweet or actually very funny. And I kind of liked the way you ended our quarrel. And really? An apple? Couldn’t you have bought me an ice cream in the park (which was also just a few walks away)?

But I wasn’t picky, and a simple apple already made me happy. I don’t care if you didn’t wait for us to pass the park so you can buy me an ice cream. You actually just picked an apple from a tree. Didn’t you have money? That question actually lingered in my mind once I started answering your questions on the way home.

Also, I remember that natural, sweet smile you gave me (with a matching wave) once you finally walked to your house. That smile was so natural it actually made me hyperventilate for two seconds once I shut the front door. My mother just laughed at me when she noticed it.

That time was really embarrassing. Embarrassing, but sweet.

I love you.


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