[ ∞ ] infinity [ ∞ ]

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  • Dedicated to you all

Unfortunately, Pipeline has finally come to and end. I'm so sorry for ending this too fast, but I had to. I've been very busy these past few weeks (hence the very slow updates at times) but if you read this from beginning until the end, I already love you to bits. ♥ Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you liked it. Thank you for the votes, the comments, and all the others. :) And even if you're a silent reader and read this until the very last part (even this!) then I still love you, maybe even more ♥

Again, thank you so much for reading Pipeline. :")


I'd firstly like to thank my best friends, Joanne, Anjelu and Jahz for being such supportive best friends :) You guys have been the awesomest best friends I've ever had since I was born (and that's already saying a lot). Thank you so much guys :) If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been posting so many stories in Wattpad (even the one-shots!)

Secondly, I'd like to thank my parents and my older sister for telling me to "WRITE ALREADY!" because they've been dying to read my stories since I've told them I had a Wattpad Account. I really love them so much ♥

Thirdly, I'd like to thank Andi @NDreamer101 for being such an awesome fan :") She's the very first fan I've ever had who actually liked my stories... SO I LOVE YOU SO MUCH GIRL TO THE POINT THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT ANYMORE <3

Fourthly, I'd like to thank you guys. If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have finished this in the first place, because it would be a waste if I wrote a story nobody even reads. So thank you. Thank you so much.

There are so many things I cannot put into words, so I'd just like to say two words to all of you that may mean little things to you guys, but such a big thing to me:

Thank you.



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