toilet thoughts

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lily: so i was on the toilet and i was like "i'm gonna be someone, i'm gonna be big"

josh: i too have revelations on the toilet, but they're usually about my diet

lily: shut up

josh: why on the toilet

lily: i do some good thinking in the bathroom in general, shower thoughts are some of the sources of my creativity 

josh: so what spurred this thought

lily: i don't know, i just feel it, it courses through me, through my veins    

you know today i walked in the streets and i sang really badly and really loud, i sat next to the window and let the sun hit my face, i made the corniest joke ever and made someone laugh and these are the little things that have made me happy 

josh: what was the joke

lily: oh shine bright like a diamond by rihanna was playing and we were in this store and they only sold fake jewelry and i said shine bright like a fake diamond and some body laughed, i don't know i was just saying whatever was on my mind

josh: it's nice to see you like this

lily: i wanna do it

josh: do what

lily: all of it, i just wanna be able to do all i've ever wanted to

josh: it's gonna be a lot of work y'know, but you'll do it

lily: i'll do it my way

josh: i saw this quote and thought of you, "why fit in when you were born to stand out?" doing things differently may make you vulnerable but it gives you an edge and i think that's a gift to be able to distinguish yourself from others

lily: i think unorthodox is the new trend

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