that boy

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josh: i've never seen you in a dress

lily: well i'm not going to wear a dress to train buddy boy

josh: oh lol yeah

lily: i can wear one to your competition tho

josh: you don't have to wear a dress, just a skirt if you want

lily: i'll wear what i please, thank you very much

josh: i love when you argue with me

lets me know you're a strong, independent woman

lily: is this what it's like to be in love

josh: huh

lily: nothing, uh i'm sorry about the crappy workout i was just exhausted and on my period and out of it i haven't been in a while

josh: it's all good, baby, i couldn't go all out anyways remember my shoulder

.           .         .

lily: i don't wanna lose this

josh: honestly after my last relationship, i was ready to just give up dating... but then i met you this gorgeous i mean drop dead gorgeous angel who is so caring, independent, strong, intelligent and i can't look back now

lily: you're the first person to ever had me at a loss for words and believe me i can ramble on and on, but i just have nothing back to say like all of my love and trust just manifests into the world, you are the first boyfriend i have ever prayed for, you are the first one i want to introduce to my family, you are the first one i am scared to lose...

and the thing is i trust you and i honestly believe if we're supposed to be together we will

but then at the pit of my stomach i get a bad feeling

sometimes i think I'm dreaming 

i never thought i would have someone that loved me so much that would go out of their way to see me and surprise me and just make it their mission to make me happy, i'm just happy with us..

we don't need to do anything big, i just need you by my side

i have not fallen to expect anything out of you because you have exceeded all my expectations

you have given me a happiness that i have never felt before

and for that i am thankful

for that i will try every day to repay you

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