not on drugs

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lily: jooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

josh: lily

lily: but josh, but josh

josh: yeah

lily: how are you, my dear

josh: i'm fine and you seem idek what to call that, are you high or something

lily: bae, i'm not on drugs, i'm just in love

josh: with who

lily: why does there have to be a who, what if i'm in love with my life or the world or myself bc i am just too freakin' awesome, i am amazing josh did you know that

josh: so it's a conceited day?

lily: maybe a little, but who cares, i need that sometimes.. to be conceited, you put so much effort and love into someone/ something and it is what it is, it's not always going to work out but hey you've always got you, and at the end of the day who's gonna love you? it's you and after you exert so much of yourself into something may it be a sport that you love or an art project that you worked really hard on or a friendship you really valued it's good to give back to yourself

josh: profound, much? why can't you live your life neutral?

lily: i mean you can, but that's just not the way i live my life, i give not necessarily hoping to get back but because it feels good, but it also feels good to love yourself

josh: well, there's much to love

lily:obviously, josh c'mon get with the big picture

josh: oh, lily

lily: i feel high though

josh: lily you honestly seem higher than a kite

lily: i'm high of life, man

josh: so what put you in this amazing mood

lily: i dont really know, i just woke up and said hey, i'm gonna have a good day today and no one was going to screw with that and nothing could seriously ruin my awesome day, i should have more of these.. you know, good days

josh: indeed, we should

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