just girls

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lily: do you believe in weddings?

josh: yeah, it might get lost in translation, but yeah. i'm kind of old fashioned about it, but i'm very open minded about it too like if my bride wanted the wedding a certain way i wouldn't mind complying

lily: it seems ridiculous to me, at least the fairy tale wedding, i personally would love to get married, but honestly i don't want to wear this big poofy white dress and have a bunch of people i probably don't even like gawk at me and i don't want to spend a bajillion dollars on this ceremony when i can use it sparingly to shower my husband or future kids with, i think that girls put too much stress on it like going bridezilla and stressing about the key details

josh: they're just girls, they forget, you know, that the wedding is about the two getting married and not about the three tier cake or perfect wedding dress or seating arrangements or location or the food at the reception

lily: side note: that's all i really go to weddings for.. food, but i wouldn't want to buy food for people i don't like and invite people that don't even really know me

josh: you can't blame people though, some people want that, usually more girls than guys, they want to feel like everything is perfect

lily: but that's just not the truth

josh: some people just want to be happy, even if it's not real

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