don't wanna fall in love

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lily: everything is at a standstill and every thing i see around me is in slow motion like a movie 

josh: that sounds trippy 

lily: it's the best high i can think of

josh: so why do you look so sad

lily: because love is a torturous thing that comes and stabs you in the end

josh: aggressive... love is not always like that

lily: it is for me

for me, i feel like I'm flying and then i crash i crash so hard that i hate my wings that i hate that i can be happy 

it's such a tease... 

i am so happy, in the moment, i feel like i could burst with happiness

but then i'm so sad i know i will never get love at its prime

i will always have to hide or not be able to express it the way i want to because of my circumstances

don't i deserve to be loved, to feel like i'm the center of someone's world

i swear i'm so close to that all the time and i feel like i can be free for a little to give someone else my burdens for a sec, to know that someone is willing to carry that for you even just for a little

and then it all comes crashing down

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