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lily: friday has become my favorite day of the week

josh: i think it's a lot of people's

lily: any day i see him is my favorite day

josh: ah the puppy love

lily: i know this will all fall, i know it's temporary but for this finite time he is mine and i am his 

josh: it's nice to see you like this

lily: i wish i could capture it, conquer it make sure it stayed

josh: that's not how it works, lil'

lily: i know, i'll take what i get

josh: you deserve someone who will wholeheartedly commit, who will give it all up for you and put that fate into your hands

lily: it's a nice thought, one i'd usually support, but it's not the reality... i believe it's okay we're not harming anyone and it's not anything serious

josh: but does it not scare you? you're so free that anything is possible in both aspects you're not technically committed not labeled no form of actual loyalty

lily: i'm a big girl, if i don't think i can handle it i will end it, but why does everything have to be labeled and so in a rush to be said to be something that you can't even express yet. i don't want to force it into something it's not. i want it to flow, to blossom

josh: that's idealistically beautiful

lily: it's not enough for a future, not stable, not practical and i totally understand that but sometimes i just wanna enjoy it

josh: just don't confuse the two, the line between what you want and what it is can be blurry

lily: well that's why you're here right 

josh: haha, i guess i am

a//n: i've had chance the rapper playing non stop in the background

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