Chapter 4- Baby? Ultrasound? Can he do it? I Sure Hope So...

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March 20, 2011

Dear Diary,

Save Me!!!!

I found out I was pregnant....with Andy's baby.

I told Andy and Ive only talked to him 3 times since then.

I wonder if its because he's touring...or he just doesnt want to be with me.

Anyway, I have to go to my 3 month ultrasound.

Wish Me Luck!!!

Aleah's POV

I wrote that with tears spilling from my eyes, and what made it worse was that just moments later, Andy's name appeared on my phone.

I picked it up....

"Hello?" I said.

"Aleah! I'm sorry I havent called, it's just I'm not ready for a baby right now..." he said slowly.

The tears came faster, and I hung up.

I quickly wiped my tears, standing up, fixing my shirt. I rubbed my small round belly,

"I love you baby...." I said softly.

Then I left, going to my ultrasound, wanting Andy more than ever.


I heard the babies heartbeat on the monitor and smiled.

"Can I found out what it is today?" I asked softly, the nurse smiled.

"Of course," she points to the screen, to the baby,

"It's a girl!"

I smiled brightly, tears running down my cheeks,

"Kyra! Kyra Elizabeth Biersack..."

"Pretty name for a pretty babygirl," the nurse said, smiling softly.

I smiled, "Thankyou!"

Soon later the ultrasound ended and I texted Andy...

"I'm having a girl. Her name is Kyra. Kyra Elizabeth Biersack. I'm sorry if she's a mistake to you, but I love her with all my heart. Your missing out on someone so precious!"

Then I sent it.

Andy's POV

I stared at the text Aleah sent me, close to tears. A babygirl. My babygirl. But can I do it? What about the tours?!

I sat there, questioning myself.

I want to be there for my baby...but will Aleah ever forgive me?

Just moments later she sent me a ultrasound picture of Kyra. I smiled, texting her back,

"I changed my mind Aleah! I want to be there for our baby. I LOVE you guys. I really do! <3"

Then I sent it.

I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now