Chapter 27- The Night Before Halloween

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Aleah's POV

Oct. 30

I was sitting at the BVB Mansion with Sammi, watching "Hocus Pocus" with her as Vlad and Eva slept.

You must be wondering why I was home while Andy was on tour. I just wanted to spend more time with the babies, and I didn't want them around all the fangirl drama. But most of all, I was sickof all the drama, and I wouldn't make it one more day without killing one of those dumbass fangirls, that is, if I would've stayed on tour.

"Rumor has it that the bones of one hundred children are buried in these wa-" The Allison chick from the movies was saying when a loud knock on the door took my attention from the movie. I looked at Sammi, a confused look on my face.

"Who would be knocking at our door this late at night?" I asked her quietly, standing.

She shrugged, standing, too, "Let's go see," she said back to me quietly. We walked over to the window, I opened them a tiny bit, peeking out, Sammi looking over my shoulder.

I just couldn't escape them, Could I? A fangirl stood in front of the door, raising her fist to knock again. I opened it before she had a chance to do so.

"Can I help you?" I asked her, you could easily tell I was irritated. Sammi stood behind me.

"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus..." one of the evil witches from the movie said in the background.

The fangirl smirked, "May I come in?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No! What the fuck is wrong with you? It's 10 at night!"

She shrugged, "Stop being a bitch and let me in!"

I raised an eyebrow, then slammed the door in her face, then looked at Sammi, "Fucking retards these days. I can't stand them!"

She sighed, "I feel your pain. I don't know who the fuck they think they are."

I nodded in agreement with her as we both sat back down, watching the movie.

I heard another knock at the door, but I ignored it, and eventually it stopped, I sighed in relief, going to Vlad and Eva's nursery to check on them. As I entered the room, I felt a cold breeze rush past me, a shadow crossed the room. I turned on the light, the fangirl stood in front of Vlad and Eva's crib, sliding her finger down there tiny bodies, whispering words quietly to herself. They sounded like something the witches from the "Hocus Pocus" movie would say. I went over to her, pushing her away.

"Get the fuck out of here, and leave my babies alone!" I snapped.

She lifted her head, her eyes glowing a bright red, the words she was whispering turned into screams, I heard Sammi running up the stairs, but I couldn't move, I was stuck in place, and as soon as Sammi looked into her eyes, the same happened too her.

She picked up my babies and as if on cue both Sammi and I's knees buckled beneath us, and we fell too the floor, blacking out.

Andy's POV

I was laying in bed in my hotel room, thinking about Aleah, Vlad and Eva, when a sound snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked around the room, I saw a shadow moving around to the other side of my bed, it layed down, I looked over at it in the complete darkness. Bright red eyes stared at me in the darkness, and any thought I ever had of Aleah was gone.

Did I even know anyone named Aleah?

I thought about it then gave up. Of course I didn't.

I felt two things being layed on my chest and I looked down, Vlad and Eva lay there, asleep. I turned on the light, looking at the girl with the bright blue eyes.

"Hi sweety..." I said, smiling.

She smiled, kissing me once, "Hi honey! I missed yo-..."

Then I woke up, sitting straight up in bed. Aleah did the same just second later, hugging me tightly, I hugged her back. She looked up at me.

"Did you have a weird dream like me?"

I nodded, laying back down with her.

:It's okay though. It was just a dream," I heard Vlad and Eva move in there crib.

I felt Aleah relax, then she drifted off to sleep, and I did the same.


I thought I'd give you a witch/halloween themed chapter(: Hope you liked it :D

Oh, & for some reason I feel like I have to say this, both Andy's and Aleah's POV's were dreams....xD

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