Chapter 26- Tour Babies

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Aleah's POV

The next day, the babies and I were able to leave the hospital. Andy and the boys had set up a nursery for Vlad and Eva on the bus. Which meant they were coming on tour with us. This tour should be....vert interesting. Before we left, I cradled them too sleep, and layed them in there carseats. Andy came in and carried them out to the tour bus and I followed.

-The Next Day-

Today we had our first show since the babies were born, Andy and I agreed we would show them too the crowd, then Sammi would take them back to the tour bus and watch them while we played.

We started getting ready for the show. I let Andy get ready first so I could get Vlad and Eva ready.

I took them to the sink, giving them a bath. As I washed there little bodies I tickled them. They giggled. They sounded so cute.

"I love you guys..." I said, smiling, they smiled, kicking there little feet. When I finished giving them a bath, I wrapped them both in towels, and brought them to there nursery. Picking out what they were going to wear.

Eva was going to match me. I dressed her in a black onesie with little leather pants and her Asking Alexandria band tee. She looks adorable. Then it was Vlad's turn. He is going to match Andy. I dressed him in a black onesie with leather pants, and a D.R.U.G.S muscle shirt with a little leather jacket over it, and I put a BVB pendent bracelet on both of there wrists.

I looked down at Vlad as he lay in his bassinet, "My baby boy looks so handsome!" I kissed his chubby cheek, smiling, "I love you baby boy." He took my hand, playing with my fingers, then Andy walked in, smiling.

"Ready for me to do your make-up?" He asked.

I nodded, "Just let me get dressed, watch them real quick..." I ran out of the room as Andy walked over to them. I went to the bedroom, slipping on my leather pants and Asking Alexandria band tee with my combat boots, then walked back out to Andy.

I walked to the nursery, and smiled, Andy was holding Eva, cooing too her, she sat in his arms, screaming. She sounded so cute. Then she looked at me, and smiled, reaching her arms out too me. I took her, tickling her tummy, she giggled cutely. Then I layed her back in her bassinet.

"CC DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH THE BABIES?!" I screamed too him, he came running in moments later. "YESSS! GIVE ME THE BABIES!!!"  I laughed, handing them to him, he ran out with him, "be careful with them CC!"

He grinned, continuing to run, then I sat down in front of Andy, letting him do my warpaint.

"What do you think the crowd will do when they see Eva and Vlad?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Hopefully the fangirls dont go crazy and start something...." He said.

I sighed just thinking about it.

-At the venue-

I held Eva and Andy held Vlad. We walked out onto stage together. Most of the crowd cheered when they saw the babies, but then there was the dumbass fan girls, saying some pretty fucked up remarks.

Things like, "I fucking hate you!", "Go die you dumbass whore!", "Andy deserves better!"

One tried climbing on stage and grabbing Andy too pull him into the crowd, I handed Eva too Andy, punching her in the face, she fell back.

"I can't fucking stand people like that!" I took Eva back, going back over to my mic. Then I looked over at Andy, "Ready?" He nodded, and we handed the babies too Sammi.

Once we stepped back on stage, the boys started the music to Perfect Weapon, Andy and I started the scream exactly at the same time, making the same movements, too. He looked over at me and smiled. We sang the rest of the song.

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