Chapter 29- Thanksgiving

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Aleah's POV

That night we got home, the house a mess. I looked around when I got inside, nobody was in sight.

"CC?!" I yelled out, no answer. I looked back at Andy.

"Do you know where they went?" I asked. He stood beside me, looking around inside.

"No, but they are going to clean up this mess tomorrow.." He said. I nodded in agreement, following him upstairs, we went to Vlad and Eva's room to see if they were there with the boys, and what do you know, there they all were, sleeping peacefully.

I grinned, "How cute!"

Andy shook his head, "Only them..." I smacked his chest.

"Leave them alone!" I whisper yelled, grinning, then walked over to Vlad and Eva's cribs, checking on them. They were sleeping peacefully, I smiled, wrapping them in there blankets, then kissed both of there heads, and walked back over to Andy, flicking the light switch off. Andy and I walked to our room, changing into our pajama's and layed down, going to sleep.


I woke up when I heard Vlad and Eva crying. I stood, walking to there room. The boys and Sammi were already up, cradling them, trying to make them stop crying. I grinned.

"Let me see them," I said, they handed them too me, and as soon as they we're in my arms, they stopped crying, smiling. I kissed both of there heads gently.

"Hi there cranky babies!" I said, tickling them. They giggled cutely, there hands on there tummies.

Andy stood behind me, "What are we doing for Thanksgiving?" He asked.

I looked at him, "It's Thanksgiving today?"

He nodded, as did Sammi and the boys.

"Oooh.....well, I have to go get food to cook. Sammi wanna come with me?" I asked, she nodded, and went and got dressed.

"Okay, while we're gone, I want all of you to make this house spotless, and set up the table, and decorate the house! Oh, and take care of the babies!" I said too all the boys.

They nodded, and I handed Vlad and Eva too Andy. He smiled at them, kissin there chubby tummies. I grinned as I walked to the room, looking for something to wear. I decided on a red silk dress, with black ballerina flats, and I put my wavy hair down, then walked downstairs with Sammi.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She nodded, 'Yup! Let's go.." She said as we walked out to my car and got in.

I drove to the store, and we walked inside, I looked around, then looked at Sammi.

"What do we need to buy? Ive never bought anything for Thanksgiving, my mom always did the shoppinng..." I said.

She grinned, "Ive got this, just follow me and don't worry about anything!"

I smiled, 'Sounds like a plan!" I followed her around the store as she was throwing random foods into the carriage but I'm guessing they we're foods people actually ate on Thanksgiving. When I wasn't paying attention, Sammi nudged me with her shoulder.

"Time to go," she said, handing me some bags as we walked out to the car. Once all the bags were in the trunk, I got in the car with Sammi and we drove home.

-At the House-

I pulled into the driveway, and Sammi and I got out of the car, grabbing the bags and brought them inside. When we walked inside, I was amazed at how well the boys did with decorating and cleaning.

I placed the bags on the counter with Sammi and we walked upstairs to find the boys in the babies room getting them ready. I looked over Andy's shoulder and Sammi looked over Jinxx's shoulder at the babies. They looked adorable.

 Eva was dressed in a brown frilly dress with a little turkey on it, and next to her Vlad was dressed in a little black tux, and a little brown bow tie was around his neck. I kissed Andy's cheek.

"You guys did an amazing job!" I said cheerfully.

The boys and him smiled.

"Want me to put the babies down for a nap so we can start cooking?" Andy asked.

I nodded, "Yes, thatd be helpful.." I said and the boys, Sammi, and I walked downstairs while Andy put them down for a nap.

10 minutes later he walked downstairs and we all got to cooking.

-3 hours later-

All of the food was done, and I went upstairs to feed Vlad and Eva as the rest of them set up the food on the table. When I entered there room, they were up in there cribs, smiling. I smiled, picking them up.

"Are my babies hungry?" I asked. They giggled and started bouncing. I grinned, making them both a bottle and fed them.

When they finished there bottles I layed them over my shoulders and burped them and when they both burped, I cleaned there mouths, and walked downstairs with them, sitting them in the bouncers next to the table, and I took my seat next to Andy. I looked around at everyone dressed up, and smiled.

"I love you guys!" I said.

They all smiled, "We love you too darling!" Andy said, taking my hand, "Now let's enjoy this food!" he said, grabbing a plate.


I havent been updating a lot x( I ish sorry!:D But I hope you enjoyed this chapter xP

Comment? Vote? Tellllllll me how you liked it?

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Going to see Breaking Dawn again tonight :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I am happy! haha xD

Anyways, BYEBYE!:D


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