Chapter 23- Shit...I knew it would end like this...

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Andy's POV

I had the guy pinned against the wall. I tightened my grip on his neck, cutting off his oxygen.

"Now, would you care to explain to me why the fuck you hit her?!"

He rolled his eyes, I tightened my grip, "Waiting."

I heard Aleah called out my name, grabbing my shirt to pull me back, I forced myself out of her grip.

I stared at the guy, "We can do this easy way, or of course my favorite way, which is the hard way." I gave him a fake smile.

I didnt see him lift his arm up, until he punched me in my face, I lost my grip on him, stumbling away, then stood up straight walking towards him. His buddies were surrounding him. I grabbed the first one, punching him straight in the nose. I heard a loud crack, and he stumbled away, holding his nose, blood flowing from it. I smiled, standing in front of the other one.

"So how are we going to do this? Are you going to explain to m-" I was cut off, his fist connecting with my mouth, before I grabbed it, twisting.

"Now, now. That's not nice is it?" I released his hand as it went limp.

"I just want an answer." I looked at both his broken wrist and arm, grinning.

"Looks like I'm done with you." I moved to his next friend.

"Maybe your willing too explain too me." He scoffed, punching in the face. missing me though.

I grabbed his neck, forcing him to the floor, punching him repeatedly. Blood was everywhere, when Jake and CC finally unattached me from the guy. I looked at him. He was unconcious.

"Fucking nasty bastards." I looked at the other two, "Go to hell." I pushed out of there arms, going to Aleah.

"Are you okay?" She nodded.

"Yeah, you shouldnt of did that Andy. I couldve did it myself."

I shook my head, "Im not going to let anyone touch you like that." I hugged her.

She hugged me back, grinning.

" water broke....."


hehehehehehe....BABIES >:D

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