Chapter 6- Until They're Dead!

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-3 months later-

Aleah's POV

I was holding Kyra, tickling her, she got sooo chubby.

Andy came up too me.

"Babe, I have to go on tour for a month," I sighed.

"Any shows here?" he nodded.

"2 or 3 of them,"

"Okay," I kissed him once, "Have fun."

"I'll try," he kissed Kyra's head, then left.

I sat down with Kyra, feeding her, "I love you, babygirl." She cooed, falling asleepin my arms.


I layed Kyra in her crib, going to my room, laying down, I turned over and someone was there, laying beside me, "Andy?" I said softly. They turned over, and I ran from the room, but not fast enough. The person grabbed me by my hair, throwing me down the stairs.

I fell unconcious.

I woke in the hospital. Lydia sitting next to me.

"Where's Kyra?!"

She looked at me, frowning, "Someone took her, Aleah, we can't find her," Andy walked in, I hugged him tightly, crying into his chest. He cried with me.

Andy's POV

Someone took my little girl.

I buried my face in Aleah's shirt, crying with her.

I was going to find her. No matter what! Nobody can stop me. I won't give up on her. Never.


Aleah had to spend the night in the hospital, I had to go to the venue for my show, I would give the Army one hell of a show, but I would find my baby after.

-The Show-

"Are all you motherfuckers ready?!" I screamed, they cheered. I smiled, we played,


-God Bless You

-Perfect Weapon

-Die For You

-Set The World On Fire

-Knives and Pens

-Children Surrender

-Sweet Blasphemy

-Never Give In


-and The Legacy

As soon as the show ended, I walked off stage, going backstage, I heard crying....

"Guys, do you hear that?" I asked, they all shook there head, "no".

I went to ym dressing room, Kyra was on the floor, bumps and bruises on her tiny body, a note beside her.

I ran to her, picking her up, cradling her in my arms, "It's okay baby," I showered her with kisses, picking up the note, reading it,

"Andrew Biersack, I'd watch your girls closely. I will not stop until there dead. I will get what I want and you can't stop me!"

My face paled, anger hot in my eyes.

No one will ever touch my girls, again!

I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now