Chapter 30- I could see her start to Panic...

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Aleah's POV

Today was just a normal day. Andy's days off were over, and where back in the bus heading to Rhode Island, to play a couple of shows in Providence, and Worcester, and then we're off to Boston, Massachusetts to play a show.

(A/N: That is where I live :D They need to come here in real life though haha xD)

-Finally in RI-

I walked off the bus to stretch my feet, and turned around, picking up Vlad and Eva, walking around with them. Taking in my surroundings. It was very crowded here in Providence, I thought to myself, and walked back to the tour bus, over to Andy.

"When's the show?" I asked. He looked at the clock.

"An hour, so start getting ready.." He said, taking the babies. I nodded and walked into the back room of the tour bus, going through my suitcase to find out what I was gonna wear. I decided on a black short tutu, with fishnet leggings, and a black Sleeping with Sirens tank top that only went half way down my stomach, with rips on the back. Once I was dressed in it, I walked out to Andy so he could do my make-up. Once he saw me, his mouth practically dropped open. I grinned.

"Problem?" He shook his head quickly, looking away.

"Uhh, n-no. Let's go do your make-up.." He said. I smiled and skipped after him to the bathroom, sitting on the little stool. Andy turned the stool so it was facing him and started on my make-up. The finished product was , two striped on each of my cheeks, and little curving lines coming from the edge of my eyes, and a thick layer on eyeliner around my eyes. I looked in the mirror and smiled, taking a picture of Andy and I kissing in the mirror, then posted it on Twitter.

AleahBVB: "I love him with all my heart<3"

Andy smiled, "Love you too," then walked out of the bathroom, I followed him, going through the feedback on the photo. Boy, were there some hateful people out there, I thought as I read the comments. There were some that said..

"Aww! You guys are so cute!"

Then they went to say,

"Your a hoe! Andy deserves better! Get the fuck out of  his life!"

I just ignored them, shaking my head, slipping my phone into my black Coach wristlet, walking over to Andy.

"Ready?" I asked, he nodded and got the boys. Once everyone was together we left, walking over to the venue. As we walked inside fans came from every direction, screaming, I walked away from them, going backstage, calling Sammi to check on the babies. After two rings she answered.

"Yes love?" She said cheerfully.

"Are the babies okay?" I asked. I could hear her nod, her hair brushing against the phone.

"Of course! Nothing will happen to them Aleah! I've got them laying down with me, there taking naps.." She answered.

I smiled, "Okay! Thanks again! Byyye!!" I said as I hung up. Andy walked over to me.

"We go on in 5 minutes.." He said. I nodded, standing next to him at the curtain, waiting. I heard the speakers over head announce that it was time for us to go one, and Jinxx, Ashley, Jake, and CC ran out, getting ready, the crowd cheered wildly. Andy grinned as we walked out on stage.

"ARE ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS READY?!?!?" He screamed. They cheered even louder and the music began. The first song was, "Ritual". As the intro finished, I put the mic up to my mouth, singing my heart out when I realized Andy wasnt singing with me. I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow, but still continued to sing. He mouthed to me,

"Your doing good!" I shook my head. Running over to him trying to force him to sing. He ran away, and I grinned, flicking him off. The crowd cheered and laughed. I shook my head, the song coming to a close.

Once it was finished, I looked out into the crowd, grinning.

"Which one of you motherfuckers wants to sing?!?" I screamed.

The crowd cheered loud, jumping, there arms raised, I grinned.

"Andy get your ass out here!" He walked out, walking over to me. I grabbed bandana out of his back pocket, holding it up in the air.

"Whoever catches this bandana gets a chance to get there asses up here and sing with myself and Andy! Do you think we can do this?!" I screamed.

They cheered, there arms suspended up in the air again. I furled the bandana into the crowd, keeping an eye out to anyone who caught it. When I saw an arm raised holding the bandana, I smiled.

"Make your way to the stage and let's do this!" Andy held his arm out, helping the teen girl onto the stage, and was attacked with hugs from her. He grinned, taking her hand, leading her into the middle of the stage. She stood between Andy and I, and I handed her a microphone.

"Are you ready to rock honey?!" She smiled brightly, nodding.

I gave the guys the cue to start the song . It was "Knives and Pens." I could tell the girl was nervous, but she did amazing singing along with Andy and I. She could go really far with the voice she had, I thought to myself.

Once the song was over, Andy and I hugged her, thanking her for singing with us, and before she left the stage, Andy gave her his signed bandana. I smiled, taking Andy's hand. The next song was "Saviour".

As the music started, I leaned uo to kiss Andy once, but he gently pushed me away, whispering in my ear, "I want to get through this night without fangirl drama. I'm sorry.." then he started singing. I shrugged, walking to the opposite side of the stage, starting to sing along.

-End of the show-

When the show was over, I was too exhausted to go to the signing, so I walked out of the venue, starting toward the tour bus, looking back once. I saw Andy standing there, looking at me. He probably thought I was mad. I'll just tell him I wasn't mad tomorrow, I thought as I did a big yawn. I started feeling light headed as I approached the bus, but I ignored the feeling, pulling on the door handle to open the door, it was locked. I banged on it, waiting for Sammi to answer, I felt more and more light headed every second.

I fell to the ground just as Sammi opened the door, holding tiny Eva, I could see her start to panic, and I heard Eva start to cry before I fell unconcious.


Cliffhanger o-O I personally hate them, but I love aggrivating people with them xD Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'll upload again soon. I promise!!! :D

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