Chapter 16- Let's Pray It Doesn't Happen Again...

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Andy's POV

So, today. Guess what happened.

You don't want to?

Okay that's fine, I guess I'll tell you.

Aleah's pregnant.

So many thoughts are running through my head, what if something happens to this baby? How will it affect Aleah. Let's pray nothing happens to this baby. It will just kill me if something does.

I sighed, laying down on my bed, Aleah walked in, she looked pissed.

"Are you okay....?" I asked her hesitantly.

She looked at me, "I don't know. Why don't you go ask the chick downstairs. She's been asking for you, and saying she's pregnant. With your fucking baby!" My eyes widened, Aleah walked into the bathroom, I could see the tears running down her cheeks steadily.

I stood, walking over to the bathroom door, knocking, "Aleah? Please don't cry. I must've been drunk. It was a mistake. I love you." I could hear her sobs.

"ANDY SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE! IM DONE WITH YOUR SHIT! I KNOW YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ME!," then quietly I heard her say, "or this baby," then she spoke without screaming,"I'll be gone soon. Go be with her. Enjoy your life."

I just stood there. She can't go. I need her. I love her. Can't she see that. I sighed softly, walking downstairs, over to the girl.

"Do I even know you?" She didnt look familiar.

She smiled, running to me, hugging me tightly.

"Of course, I'm Rachel! Remember last month when I went to your concert and we got drunk together? Then we did it." She blushed slightly. Jinxx and CC stood there, staring at me. They shook there heads.

"Dude, I'm sorry but your just so fucking stupid sometimes. Aleah loves you." CC said, Jinxx nodded, then they went to the living room, watching Transformers.

I was baffled, I don't even remember this girl. She could be making this shit up, and Black Veil Brides hasn't been on tour in almost 2 months. She must be on something. I swear to god people these days need to calm it down with the weed and shit.

Just then Aleah walked downstairs, with all her clothes packed, taking her keys off the hook, opening the front door.

Before she left, she looked at me, her makeup smudged, tears still running down her face, "Have a good life," she said softly.

The girl, Rachel, laughed as she looked at Aleah.

Aleah turned around, walking towards Rachel.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" She said in a pissed off tone, even though Aleah was short, she could still beat the shit out of someone.

Rachel looked down at her, smirking, "Andy Biersack's NEW girlfriend." She said in a snobby tone. I could tell Aleah was pissed off. She back handed Rachel across the face.

"You are so fucking lucky I'm pregnant, Bitch, or you'd be in the hospital!" She said, almost growling.

Rachel looked at her, a look of shock on her face, she went to grab Aleah's hair, Aleah grabbed her arm, snapping it.

"DON'T mess with me, bitch," she growled, then walked out the door, getting in the car, driving away.

I was surprised that Aleah could do that, I looked at Rachel, she clutched her arm too her chest, crying, I grinned.

"Do something!" she yelled, "I'm your girlfriend! You can't treat me like this!"

I laughed in her face, "You? My girlfriend? Yeah your definitely on something, sweetheart. Now if you would, please leave my house, and never come back. I'm not stupid. I know your not pregnant. Black Veil Brides hasn't been on tour in almost 2 months." She looked at me, shocked.

I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now