Chapter 5- The Baby...?

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Aleah's POV

Next week Andy came home.

I went to the airport, running into his arms, hugging him tightly.

I baby nudged gently.

Andy smiled,

"Hi beautiful!" he grinned, putting his hand on my belly.

I smiled, "I missed you!"

"I missed you, too!" he kissed my cheek.

Andy's POV

We left going to our new house, fixing it up.


I layed in bed with Aleah, cuddled with her.

I buried my face in her hair, smiling,

"I love you, Aleah" I said.

She smiled, "I love you, too Andy. So much!"

-5 months later-

Aleah's POV

The Babyshower.

Me and Andy got everything ready for it.

Pink. Pink. And even more Pink.

I loved it.

Everyone started to arrive, there wasn't many people, only...






My parents and Andy's parents...

Chris Biersack

Amy Biersack

Leah Snow

and Vlad Snow

This baby was going to be spoiled.

I smiled,

From Amy and Chris she got,

a Black Frilly Dress,

Black Ballet Flats,

a Teddy Bear,

Baby Blankets,

and Baby bottles.

From my parents she got,

Black and Pink Vans,

a Light Green tutu outfit,



and Pacifiers.

From the Band,

a BVB Blanket,

a BVB Shirt,

and a BVB Pendant Bracelet.

and Finally from Lydia,

a Pink Piggybank,

Baby Converse (black and purple),

Little jeans,

and onesies.

She is going to look so cute in these outfits!!!

"Thank you!" I said to everyone.

They smiled, "Your Welcome Sweety!"

Andy's POV

Too add to that my little girl's room is complete, too. Me and Aleah just need to finish putting away her clothes.

I can't wait to see her!

My little peanut<3

-Later that Night-

Aleah's POV

Me and Andy finished putting away everything in Kyra's room, it is Beautiful!

When we left her room, Andy went in the shower and I went back to our room, looking in the mirror at my big belly,

I smiled,

"I love you Kyra!" she kicked my hand, and I giggled.

:Crazy baby," I grinned.

Seconds later everything went black and I fell to the floor, arms wrapped around me, but they werent Andy's. What was happening?!?!

I fell unconcious.

Andy's POV

I went back to the room after my shower, running to Aleah, picking her up into my arms.

Blood ran from her head onto my clothes, a broken vase lay on the floor next to were she was,

I put my hand on her stomach, Kyra wasn't moving.

I rushed to the hospital, hoping my girls would be okay.

Aleah's POV

I woke the next day, looking around, feeling dizzy. Then I saw Andy, and my hands flew to my now flat stomach. I cried.

"Where's the baby, Andy?!" I asked frantically.

He hugged me.

"Baby it's okay! She's okay!" he said calmly.

I hugged him back, "Where is she, and what happened?"

Andy lifted a small bundle of blankets from behind him, smiling, and handed her to me, I took her smiling.

"My beautiful baby!" she smiled at me, looking like her daddy, with my hair.

"I love you peanut," I kissed her head, she cuddled against me, falling asleep.

I looked at Andy, "Now tell me what happened."

He frowned, remembering, "All I know is that I got out of the shower, and you were unconcious on the floor, someone hit you over the head with a vase, and Kyra wasn't moving. So, I rushed you too the hospital." He sighed sadly, "they gave you stitches, and had an emergency c-section to remove her. And now your awake. I thought I was going to lose my girls, Aleah. I want to hurt whoever did that to you." He finished, and I took his hand.

"I love you with all my heart, Andy,"

he kissed my hand gently,

"I love you with all my heart, too Aleah, and our babygirl," I smiled.

I Now Pronounce You Husband and..Wife? (An Andy Biersack Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now