Chapter 24- Vladimir Dennis Biersack and Eva Poppy Biersack

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Andy's POV

I stood there looking at Aleah for a few seconds, letting what she just told me sink in. The babies. There coming. NOW! Shit....

I picked her up bridal style in my arms, running to the tour bus, all of the guys followed. I ran to the bus driver.

"STEP ON IT! THE BABIES ARE COMING!!!!" Then I ran back to Aleah, who was basically crying in pain, I tried to soothe her.....but it didn't work out very well...

-At the hospital-

I picked Aleah back up into my arms, running inside with her.

"SHE IS IN LABOR!" I yelled. A doctor and a nurse ran up to me, taking her, and I followed them to a room.

-3 hours later-

Aleah's POV

I sat up in the uncomfortable hospital bed, whimpering softly, "Ow!"

Andy looked at me, "It's almost over. Stay calm..."

I rolled my eyes, when suddenly I felt the urge too push.

"Andy! Get the doctor!!!!" Before I could finish my sentence he ran out of the room, returning seconds later, a doctor on his tail.

-1 hour later-

I held little Eva and Vlad in my arms as they slept. They were adorable. I already loved them. Andy peeked at them, smiling.

"There so cute. We make sexy babies." He said, grinning.

I grinned, "Of course we do." Then CC ran in the room.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BABIIIIIIIIIIIIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEMME SEE'EM!!!!!!!!!!!" He said, screaming like a retard. I laughed softly.

"You have to be quiet, CC. They're sleeping.." I said softly.

He nodded, whispering, "Sowwy..." Jinxx, Jake, and Ash walked in behind him, they all shook there head's at CC. I laughed softly again, motioning over to the bed with my hand. They circled the bed, looking at the babies.

"Aww!" They all said at the same time.

"You guys make sexy babies," Ash said, grinning, when Sammi ran in.

"Where. Are. The. Sexy. Babies?!" She said.

Andy and I both laughed, and I motioned her over, she came over to the bed, peeking at them.

"Aww! I was right! They are sexy!" I shook my head, laughing.

"Want to hold Eva?" she nodded, holding her arms out for her. I gently layed her in her arms, then looked at CC.

"Do you want to hold Vlad?" He nodded, holding his arms out, I gently layed Vlad in his arms.

He looked down at him, grinning, "I can't wait to teach you how to play the drums!" I looked at Vlad, and in his sleep gave CC a little handsome smile. I smiled, taking a picture of him and CC, then took a picture of Eva and Sammi. They came out adorable. I looked at Andy.

"Do you want to hold your babies, Andy?" He smiled, holding his arms out, Sammi layed Eva in one arm, and CC layed Vlad in the other, Andy looked down at them, smiling.

"Hi sexy babies..." He said softly. I looked at them, they had little smiles on there cute little lips, and they cuddled close to Andy. How cute. I took a picture.

I love my family, and nothing can ever change that. Nothing at all.


Yaaaaaaay! Babies are here!

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