Chapter 22- Tour....Again

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-3 months later-

Aleah's POV

Today, Black Veil Brides and Asking Alexandria leave for tour. I could already tell this was going to be interesting.

-On the bus-

Andy shook me awake as we approached our first stop.

I stood up, my stomach was huge, I poked it.

"Hello babies!" I put my hand on my stomach, they kicked at the same time, I smiled.

"Are you guys ready for tour?" They moved around excitedly.

I grinned, "I knew you monsters would be excited.."

Andy grinned, "Want me to do your makeup after?" I nodded.

"Just let me get dressed." He nodded, and I grabbed my black ripped maternity pants/ skinny jeans, and my Bullet For My Valentine band tee, with my studded leather jacket. Then I walked back out to Andy.

He looked at me, poking my stomach, and CC ran in, poking it, too.

"HIIIIII BABIES!!!!" They kicked hard. CC grinned.

Andy took my hand, sitting me down, getting the warpaint, starting on my makeup.

I sat there, waiting patiently, shaking my leg.

As soon as he finished, I ran off the bus, he followed me.

"We go on next after Asking Alexandria!"

I smiled, "I wanna go watch!!!!"

He grinned, and we ran backstage, watching from the side, they were playing, "Not The American Average." I grinned, singing along.

Andy looked at me, laughing when I screamed , "I knew when I first met you, you'd fuck like a whore!"

I looked at him, grinning michiviously, "You love it!"

He grinned, "Maybe I do!"

-After Asking Alexandria-

We got set up on stage, I stood next to Andy, my mic in hand, smiling.

Andy came on the stage, "ARE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS READY TO ROCK?!"

The crowd cheered loudly.

"First, welcome Aleah to the band! She's our new back up singer!"

They cheered louder.

I smiled, The guys started playing, "Ritual," I loved this song.

I sang along with Andy, we sounded amazing together, I just wasnt as energetic as him on stage, just because I am pregnant.

As the song finished, they moved on to playing, "The Legacy."

As the screams came up, I screamed along with Andy, we always sounded amazing screaming together.

Once the crowd heard me scream, they cheered loudly. Ive never heard them cheer that loud before. I smiled.

-End of Concert signing-

I sat down next inbetween Andy and CC. CC turned toward me, smirking.

"You were amazing today!" I smiled.

"Why, thankyou, CC!"

"Welcome!" He sat there, poking my stomach continuously. I grinned, shaking my hand.

A couple of fans walked up to me, smiling.

I looked up at them, and of course they were all guys, I smiled at them, "Hi! I'm Aleah!"

They grinned, "Nice to meet you, Aleah. Can we talk to you for a second?"

I gave them a confused look, then looked at Andy, he was looking at the guys, giving them dirty looks, "Is there a reason you need to talk to her?"

They looked at him, "She's fucking hot! Mind your own fucking business!"

Andy stood up, he towered over the three boys, "Well, for 1. She's pregnant, for 2. There my babies, and for 3. She's mty fucking fiancee!"

They grinned, "Your point is?!" They looked at me, grabbing my arms, "Lets go sweetheart." I pulled out of there grasp.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" They shook there heads.

"Your just making this difficult, sweety.." the shortest one said.

I looked at them, raising an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

Andy looked at them, anger clear on his face, "And what do you plan on doing with her?"

He looked at Andy, "That's none of your fucking business!"

I stood up, walking around the table, over too them, my hands over my gigantic stomach, blocking Andy from doing anything he'd regret, even though I know he wouldnt regret it.

I looked at the boys straight in the eyes, "Just go. Please."

They scoffed, "Do you think saying please with help sweetheart?"

"No, but Im just being polite. You dont know the things Im capable of. Being pregnant wont stop me. And my fiancee is right there. Just go."

HE grabbed my arm again, his grasp on it tight, I took his arm in my hand twisting it, breaking it, and I slipped out of his grasp.

"Do you want to leave now?" He clutched his arm to his chest.

"You fucking bitch!!!" He slapped me across the face, Andy jumped over the table, grabbing the guy by the throat, pressing him up against the wall, CC and Jake jumped over the table....I ran to Andy.

"Andy don't!" I grabbed his shirt, but he pulled out of my grasp.

Shit.....this isn't going to turn out well.


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